我们使用 firebase 云功能来实现我们的功能,并使用外部 rest api 来进行 crud 操作。


 - Create Note
 - - Create Note - fallback*
 - - - Create Note - fallback - yes
 - - - Create Note - fallback - no

* the fallback allows us to capture free text


app.intent("Create Note", (conv) => {
    if (!conv.user.storage.note) conv.user.storage.note = {};
    conv.ask("Go ahead, talk to Talkatoo!");

app.intent("Create Note - fallback", (conv) => {
    conv.user.storage.input = conv.input.raw;

    let response = conv.user.storage.note
         ? conv.user.storage.note.body.concat(conv.input.raw)
         : conv.user.storage.input;

    conv.ask("So far this is what I heard you say, let me know if this is complete. ", response);

app.intent("Create Note - fallback - yes", (conv) => {
    // based on the conv.user.storage.note object
    // either make a call to create a note or update a note

    // make call to external api and based on the response 
    // set the value for conv.user.storage.note

   conv.ask("Great news, let me save that for you!");

app.intent("Create Note - fallback - no", (conv) => {
    // based on the conv.user.storage.note object
    // either make a call to create a note or update a note

    // make call to external api and based on the response 
    // set the value for conv.user.storage.note

    // Send the user back to Create Note to capture the rest of their input

问题是,conv.user.storage.note当我从 API 获得响应时,它正在设置,但随后它被重置为空,因此每次都会创建一个新注释。我正在尝试将用户的各种输入附加为一个注释


2 回答 2


基于 ...

app.intent("Create Note - fallback - yes", (conv) => {
    // based on the conv.user.storage.note object
    // either make a call to create a note or update a note

    // make call to external api and based on the response 
    // set the value for conv.user.storage.note

   conv.ask("Great news, let me save that for you!");

看起来您还没有为 API 调用编写代码,或者您在发布到 StackOverflow 之前删除了该代码。那是对的吗?

您能否更新您的问题以显示您将 HTTP 请求发送到外部 REST API 的位置和方式?

于 2019-02-25T17:56:01.453 回答


对于我们的用例,我们不需要响应数据,即我们不需要将任何响应数据传达给用户,因此我们将用户的多个输入保存在 user.storage 中,当它们完成时,我们保存全面回应。

app.intent("Intent - fallback", (conv) => {
    conv.user.storage.input = conv.user.storage.input
    ? conv.user.storage.input.concat(conv.input.raw)
    : conv.input.raw;

    conv.ask("Is that complete or would you like to continue?");

app.intent("Intent - fallback - yes", (conv) => {

    createNote(conv); <--- makes call to save

    conv.ask("Great news, let me save that for you!");

app.intent("Intent - fallback - no", (conv) => {
于 2019-02-25T20:49:47.507 回答