在 SharePoint 2010 中,我在 newform.aspx 页面中插入了一个 CEWP。如果我直接在 CEWP 中输入代码,它就可以正常工作。如果我将代码放在 SiteAssets 库中并放置相对路径或完整路径,则代码不起作用。
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script><script>
function HideFields() {
//Enter the fields you would like to hide here.
fieldsToHide = ["Additional Information Required from Applicant", "Assigned To (Field)", "Date Lands Officer received", "Date Lands Officer started merit review", "External Referral Required", "External Reviewer", "Inspection", "Internal Referral Required", "Internal Reviewer", "Merit Recommendation by Field", "Merit Upload to ECM complete", "Referral Due Date", "Zone", "FNC", "Merit Decision Letter", "Review Merit Recommendation by PAS", "Security"];
//Get all SharePoint fields
var formFieldTitles = $(".ms-formtable td.ms-formlabel h3.ms-standardheader");
//Iterate over each row in the form
formFieldTitles.each(function () {
//Get the text of the field title
var textToMatch = $(this).text();
//Get the table row associated with this title
var currentRow = $(this).closest('tr');
//Iterate over our list of fields we wish to hide
for (var i = 0; i < fieldsToHide.length; i++){
var field = fieldsToHide[i];
//Match the SharePoint field name to our field name
if (textToMatch.toLowerCase().replace("*", "").trim() === field.toLowerCase().replace("*", "").trim()){
//Hide this field
function AddToBodyOnLoad(){
//Ensure that our function is called last by pushing it again
//Add our function to the array of onload functions