我正在使用 NativeCall 来熟悉 Perl6 的那一面。当然,我正在尝试首先加载 libstatgrab(还有什么?)。

所以我从最简单的部分开始——主机信息。由于还没有集群支持,这只是一个结果 - 不用担心复杂性。


#!/usr/bin/env perl6 

use v6;
use NativeCall;

enum sg_error (
        SG_ERROR_NONE                   => 0,
        SG_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT       => 1,

class sg_error_details is repr('CStruct') {
        has int32 $.error;
        has int32 $.errno_value;
        has Str $.error_arg;

sub sg_init(int32 $ignore_errors) returns int32 is native('statgrab') { * };

enum sg_host_state (
        sg_unknown_configuration        => 0,
        sg_physical_host                => 1,
        sg_virtual_machine              => 2,
        sg_paravirtual_machine          => 3,
        sg_hardware_virtualized         => 4

class sg_host_info is repr('CStruct') {
        has Str $.os_name;
        has Str $.os_release;
        has Str $.os_version;
        has Str $.platform;
        has Str $.hostname;
        has uint32 $.bitwidth;
        has int32 $.host_state;
        has uint32 $.ncpus;
        has uint32 $.maxcpus;
        has uint64 $.uptime;
        has uint64 $.systime;

sub sg_get_host_info(size_t is rw) returns Pointer is native('statgrab') is symbol('sg_get_host_info_r') { * };
sub sg_free_host_info(Pointer) is native('statgrab') is symbol('sg_free_stats_buf') { * };

sub MAIN() {
    my int32 $ignore_errors = 0;
    my $error = sg_init($ignore_errors);
    if $error != SG_ERROR_NONE {
        say "Maeh: $error";
        exit 1;

    my size_t $num_host_infos = 0;
    my $res = sg_get_host_info($num_host_infos);
    if $num_host_infos > 0 {
        my $host_info = nativecast(sg_host_info, $res);
        with $host_info {
            say "You're using ", $_.os_name, " on ", $_.hostname;


$ perl6 statgrab.p6
Cannot locate native library 'libstatgrab.dylib': dlopen(libstatgrab.dylib, 1): image not found
  in method setup at /Users/sno/rakudo/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line 283
  in method CALL-ME at /Users/sno/rakudo/share/perl6/sources/24DD121B5B4774C04A7084827BFAD92199756E03 (NativeCall) line 570
  in sub MAIN at statgrab.p6 line 95
  in block <unit> at statgrab.p6 line 93

好的 - 给它一些搜索路径:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pkg/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH perl6 statgrab.p6
Cannot locate native library 'libstatgrab.dylib': dlopen(libstatgrab.dylib, 1): image not found

使用时相同的图片DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH- Darwin 上的 dlopen(3) 也支持。


$ (cd /opt/pkg/lib && perl6 /data/Projects/OSS/p6-Unix-Statgrab/statgrab.p6 )
You're using Darwin on ernie.[...]

调用 moarvm 的方式是否缺少搜索路径直通?


1 回答 1

doug$ perl6 -v
This is Rakudo Star version 2018.10 built on MoarVM version 2018.10
implementing Perl 6.c.

在 MacOS High Sierra 上最近的 Rakudo Star 上,该脚本对我来说“开箱即用”:

  1. 编辑脚本以删除“...”。
  2. 脚本无法加载库(真的不见了!)
  3. brew install libstatgrab
  4. 脚本运行成功:
vader:learning doug$ perl6 nativecall_mac_Sno.pl6 
You're using Darwin on Vader.local

Homebrew 安装库如下:

$ v /usr/local/lib
total 11904
-rw-r--r--  1 doug  admin  6080828 Sep 23 12:40 libmoar.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 doug  admin       51 Mar 23 11:02 libstatgrab.10.dylib@ -> ../Cellar/libstatgrab/0.91/lib/libstatgrab.10.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 doug  admin       44 Mar 23 11:02 libstatgrab.a@ -> ../Cellar/libstatgrab/0.91/lib/libstatgrab.a
lrwxr-xr-x  1 doug  admin       48 Mar 23 11:02 libstatgrab.dylib@ -> ../Cellar/libstatgrab/0.91/lib/libstatgrab.dylib
drwxr-xr-x  3 doug  admin      102 Mar 23 11:02 pkgconfig/

对我来说,perl6 可执行文件确实是一个 shell 脚本,但它可以工作(不需要传递任何额外的LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...)。

doug$ file `which perl6`
/Applications/Rakudo/bin/perl6: POSIX shell script text executable, ASCII text, with very long lines
doug$ set | grep LIBRARY

我的 nativecall 脚本在查找库时也遇到了问题,但总是通过修复库安装和/或提供“LD_LIBRARY_PATH”来解决这些问题。


于 2019-03-23T16:29:48.960 回答