最终,我从 google.com 中注释掉了该脚本,并用我自己的自定义版本替换了它:
` if (window.history.navigationMode) { window.history.navigationMode = 'compatible'; }
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //tells WP to recognize the $ variable
//from google's original code- gets the URL of the current page
var v = document.location.toString();
var existingSiteurl = /(?:[?&]siteurl=)([^&#]*)/.exec(v);
if (existingSiteurl) {
v = decodeURI(existingSiteurl[1]);
var delimIndex = v.indexOf('://');
if (delimIndex >= 0) {
v = v.substring(delimIndex + '://'.length, v.length);
$(".cse-search-box").each( function() {
var q = $(this).find("input[name=q]");
var bg = "#fff url(http:\x2F\x2Fwww.google.com\x2Fcse\x2Fintl\x2Fen\x2Fimages\x2Fgoogle_custom_search_watermark.gif) left no-repeat";
var b = "#fff";
if (q.val()==""){
} else {
q.focus(function() {
$(this).css("background", b);
q.blur(function() {
$(this).css("background", bg);
//adds hidden input with site url
hidden = '<input name="siteurl" type="hidden" value="'+ v +'">'
}); //end document ready functions
在您将结果定向到的 search.php 页面上(所以这是一个 2 页的搜索表单,我在某处在线找到了一个教程),您将需要:
` google.load('search', '1', {language : 'en', style : google.loader.themes.MINIMALIST});
* Extracts the users query from the URL.
function getQuery() {
var url = '' + window.location;
var queryStart = url.indexOf('?') + 1;
if (queryStart > 0) {
var parts = url.substr(queryStart).split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i].length > 2 && parts[i].substr(0, 2) == 'q=') {
return decodeURIComponent(
parts[i].split('=')[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
return '';
function onLoad() {
// Create a custom search control that uses a CSE restricted to
// code.google.com
var customSearchControl = new google.search.CustomSearchControl)('google_search_id');
var drawOptions = new google.search.DrawOptions();
// Draw the control in content div
customSearchControl.draw('results', drawOptions);
// Run a query