I suppose that "any" is actually a Mockito.any() method? In that case you can rather use Mockito.matches("regex"). See docs: https://static.javadoc.io/org.mockito/mockito-core/1.9.5/org/mockito/Matchers.html#matches(java.lang.String)
EDIT: It turns out that MockRestServiceServer uses Hamcrest matchers to verify the expectations (methods like requestTo, withSuccess etc.).
There is also a method matchesPattern(java.util.regex.Pattern pattern) in org/hamcrest/Matchers class which is available since Hamcrest 2, and it can be used to solve your problem.
But in your project you probably have the dependency on the older version of Hamcrest (1.3) which is used by, for example, junit 4.12, the latest spring-boot-starter-test-2.13, or, finally, org.mock-server.mockserver-netty.3.10.8 (transitively).
So, you need to:
- Check the actual version of Hamcrest in your project and (if it's not 2+) update this dependency manually: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.hamcrest/hamcrest/2.1
- Update your test:
.andRespond(withSuccess("response", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));