Load Profile 

1st per sec  
DB time:    1.3

I'm confused, Db time should be in time units, doesn't it?

BELOW are context and history of what's I've researched about AWRs and how I came to the answer I posted eventually.

I have ARW report that says

Elapsed Time (min)  DB time (min)  
60                  80

That I read e.g. here https://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:229943800346471782 it's explained how DB time can exceed elapsed time. And Db time is time, it's measured in time units (min = minute?), so far so good.

Then Load Profile says:

1st per sec  
DB time:    1.3

If DB time is 80 minutes in 60 minutes, than per sec by math should be 80/60/60, where that division by 60 to get per second go?

EDIT: my guess now as the question have been posted that this metric is in seconds, although units are not mentioned in AWR and I could not find about it in web by awr db time in sec search. Please provide link where it's confimed for sure (if it is so).

EDIT 2: WORKLOAD REPOSITORY report says, DB Time(s): per sec in Load profile section, where as WORKLOAD REPOSITORY COMPARE PERIOD REPORT just says Db time per sec. So now with like 99% assurance I can guess compare report uses same units, it's still not 100% sure fact. I actually get the reports via automated system, so cannot be sure they not mangled along the way...

P.S. by the way, I tried to do pretty formating of output, wanting to insert tabs, but could not find how, e,g. here Tab space in Markdown it says for similar it's not possible in markdown. Please add in comment if it can be done on stackoverflow.


1 回答 1


我的猜测是,由于要在一行比较 AWR 中包含大量信息,报告的开发人员决定跳过(s):在普通(非比较)AWR 中存在于同一位置的信息。

我看过WORKLOAD REPOSITORY report,它说:DB Time(s): per sec1.4Load profile部分,正如WORKLOAD REPOSITORY COMPARE PERIOD REPORT刚才所说Db time per sec并指出 2nd 1.4。所以现在有了 99% 的保证,我可以猜测比较报告使用相同的单位 - 秒为每秒指标。不是 100% 确定,但我们 100% 确定的事情是什么?

于 2019-02-15T12:12:15.017 回答