MarkLogic version - 9.0-6.2 Gradle version - 4.5.1
We have a linux batch server where data hub, mlcp, gradle are deployed.
Location of datahub folder is /path1/data-hub. This is where I have data hub components (plugins, user-config etc. along with gradle files like gradlew, gradle.bat etc)
Location of my bash scripts is /path1/scripts/data-hub
Location where gradle is unpacked is /path2/gradle/gradle-4.5.1. This is where the bin directory is located that has gradle and gradle.bat files (gradlew does not exist under bin)
I have a PATH variable created at '/path2/gradle/gradle-4.5.1/bin' and also at /path1/data-hub (where data hub is setup and gradlew file exists)
When I execute below code from a bash script placed at /path1/data-hub, the harmonization flow is running fine.
./gradlew hubRunFlow -PentityName="test" -PflowName="test-harmonize-
process" -PflowType="harmonize" -PenvironmentName=dev
However, when I place the exact same script at /data/scripts/data-hub, the flow is not running.
./gradlew: No such file or directory.
I tried running the code by removing ./ before gradlew but still getting error 'gradlew command not found'
Any help is highly appreciated.