I need to issue this command via sudo in php. But sudo needs to have the command inside apostrophes.
psql -c "create database radek with encoding 'unicode';" -U edumate template1
sudo -su postgres 'psql -c "create database radek with encoding ''unicode'';" -U edumate template1'
gives me an error
ERROR: syntax error at or near "unicode"
LINE 1: create database radek with encoding unicode;
I'd say that the error happens because unicode is enclosed by '. And sudo command is enclosed by ' too.
escaping unicode \'unicode\'
doesn't work. I get >
and it hangs there for ever....
the final php code is like
exec("sudo -su postgres 'psql -c \"create database " . $db . " with encoding '\"'\"'unicode'\"'\"';\" -U edumate template1'", $output);
thanks to @Matthew Scharley