T 试图通过添加一些 c 函数来加速我的 Pypy 代码。问题是,内存使用量一直在增加!我看到了一些关于这个主题的帖子,并尝试做一个简单的测试来说明这一点。在下面的测试中,我可以根据这篇文章(Python CFFI 内存管理问题)释放内存,但我的代码崩溃如下:free(): invalid next size (normal)。看来我双重释放内存...
import gc
from cffi import FFI
from time import sleep
import execnet
ffibuilder = FFI()
Create_TypeStructure = """
typedef struct _STRUCT1
int Data1;
int Data2;
int Data3;
double Data4;
double Data5;
double Data6;
double Data7;
double Data8;
Create_DataStructure = """
PSTRUCT1 CreateDataStructure()
PSTRUCT1 pStruct1 = ( PSTRUCT1 ) malloc( sizeof( STRUCT1 )*6000 );
if(pStruct1 != NULL) printf("SECOND TEST: ptr is not null/n");
else printf("SECOND TEST: ptr is null/n");
return pStruct1;
Set_DummyValues = """
void SetDummyValues( PSTRUCT1 ptr )
ptr = NULL;
Free_DataStructure = """
void FreeDataStructure(PSTRUCT1 ptr)
Some_Function = """
PSTRUCT1 SomeCFunction(STRUCT1 *p)
int tmp=-1;
int numline = 5999;
while (tmp < numline)
tmp++ ;
p[tmp].Data1 = 1000000;
p[tmp].Data2 = 1000000;
p[tmp].Data3 = 1000000;
p[tmp].Data4 = 2125585.265;
p[tmp].Data5 = 2125585.265;
p[tmp].Data6 = 2125585.265;
p[tmp].Data7 = 2125585.265;
p[tmp].Data8 = 2125585.265;
return p;
ffibuilder.cdef(Create_TypeStructure) #declare strucutres
ffibuilder.cdef('PSTRUCT1 CreateDataStructure();') #declare function
ffibuilder.cdef('void FreeDataStructure(PSTRUCT1 ptr);') #declare function
ffibuilder.cdef('PSTRUCT1 SomeCFunction(PSTRUCT1 ptr);') #declare function
ffibuilder.cdef('void SetDummyValues(PSTRUCT1 pStruct1);') #declare function
ffibuilder.set_source("c", Create_TypeStructure + Set_DummyValues + Create_DataStructure + Free_DataStructure + Some_Function )
from c import ffi, lib
def worker_process(channel):
# Import modules
import gc
from time import sleep
import execnet
from c import ffi, lib
# task processor, sits on each CPU
for x in channel:
if x is None: # we can shutdown
data_list = {}
for i in range(15000):
# Create a pointer to the data structure and tell the garbage collector how to destroy it
gc_c_pDataStructure = ffi.gc( lib.CreateDataStructure(), lib.FreeDataStructure )
lib.SomeCFunction( gc_c_pDataStructure ) # Populate the data structure
data_list[i]= gc_c_pDataStructure # Store some data
for i in range(15000):
numberOfTasks = 500 # simulations to launch
workerCount = 1 # CPUs
group = execnet.Group()
for i in range(workerCount): # CPUs
# execute taskprocessor everywhere
mch = group.remote_exec(worker_process)
# get a queue that gives us results
q = mch.make_receive_queue(endmarker="Stop")
tasks = range(numberOfTasks) # a list of tasks, here just integers
terminated = 0
while 1:
channel, item = q.get()
if item == "Stop":
terminated += 1
print "Terminated task on channel %s" % channel.gateway.id
if terminated == len(mch):
print "Got all results, Finish!"
if item != "ready":
print "%s: Terminated: %s" % (channel.gateway.id, item)
if not tasks:
print "No tasks remain, sending termination request to all"
tasks = -1
if tasks and tasks != -1:
task = tasks.pop()
print "Sent task %r to channel %s" % (task, channel.gateway.id)