I am setting up H2O DAI on my Windows computer for experimentation, but the DAI interface fails to load. Is there a way to determine what is causing the failure? Is it a problem with the port?

This is for a small test case so I can explore H2O DAI on my computer. I only have a Windows computer, and so I installed using the recommended process of installing the H2O DAI DEB through Ubuntu 18.04 for WSL.

I started H2O DAI using the code below.

Run Driverless AI.

sudo -H -u dai /opt/h2oai/dai/run-dai.sh

Access DAI in browser


Access H2O Flow in browser


Running localhost:12345 should show a login screen for the DAI, but the page says "Failure to load, localhost refused to connect."

However, localhost:54321, which is for H2O Flow, immediately shows the Flow interface.


1 回答 1


尝试在您的机器上使用 ip 而不是localhost(Windows10 可能不喜欢localhost用作 url)。

于 2019-02-12T17:12:45.000 回答