我正在尝试使用业务发现 API ( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/business-discovery ) 从 Instagram 帐户中检索公共统计信息,但我不确定使用哪个节点来检索此信息数据。(我是这个 API 的新手)


  • /me {“错误”:{“消息”:“(#100)尝试访问节点类型(页面)上不存在的字段(业务发现)”,“类型”:“OAuthException”,“代码”:100,“fbtrace_id”: “D0siT4a4GR0”}}

  • 我的企业帐户 ID (me?fields=instagram_business_account) { "error": { "message": "(#100) 尝试访问节点类型 (Page) 上不存在的字段 (business_discovery)", "type": "OAuthException", "代码”:100,“fbtrace_id”:“Hq0erqHbbxP”}}

  • 我的企业帐户的 Instagram 用户 ID (?fields=instagram_accounts) { "error": { "message": "(#100) 尝试访问节点类型 (InstagramUser) 上不存在的字段 (business_discovery)", "type": "OAuthException", “代码”:100,“fbtrace_id”:“BCAkvwtsZXV”}}



1 回答 1


on Graph API Explorer: first call me/accounts he API should return a list of Pages that you have a Role on, and their IDs enter image description here Locate the Page that you connected to the Instagram Business Account and click its ID. This will populate the ID in the path field, automatically perform a GET request, and return the Page's name and ID fields. enter image description here Next, click in Search for a field and type instagram_business_account until it appears in the typeahead dropdown menu. en you see instagram_business_account, click it. This will append the field in the path using the fields parameter. Submit this new request, and you should get back the Instagram Business Account connected to this page. Now that you have the Business Account's ID

see this :https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started

于 2019-02-19T07:30:59.577 回答