
ProfileID         : 100
UID               : 17
Name              : SharePoint
Description       : SharePoint Server Description


SharePoint Policy Assignment


$array | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$string"}
no match

$array | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$string*"}
no match

$array | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$string"}
no match

这可能使用 PowerShell 吗?我错过了什么?


2 回答 2


PowerShell 中的-like运算符用于通配符匹配,因此您需要使用通配符、星号、*.

想象一下这种情况,我正在尝试匹配特定的 Windows 服务。

$svcs = Get-Service | Select-Object -first 15

C:\temp\blog> $svcs

Status   Name               DisplayName                           
------   ----               -----------                           
Stopped  AJRouter           AllJoyn Router Service                
Stopped  ALG                Application Layer Gateway Service     
Running  AMD External Ev... AMD External Events Utility           
Stopped  AppIDSvc           Application Identity                  
Running  Appinfo            Application Information               
Stopped  AppMgmt            Application Management                
Stopped  AppReadiness       App Readiness                         
Stopped  AppVClient         Microsoft App-V Client                
Stopped  AppXSvc            AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)     
Stopped  aspnet_state       ASP.NET State Service                 
Stopped  AssignedAccessM... AssignedAccessManager Service         
Running  AsSysCtrlService   ASUS System Control Service           
Running  AudioEndpointBu... Windows Audio Endpoint Builder        
Running  Audiosrv           Windows Audio                         
Running  AUEPLauncher       AMD User Experience Program Launcher  


$svcs | Where-Object Name -like App*

Status   Name               DisplayName                           
------   ----               -----------                           
Stopped  AppIDSvc           Application Identity                  
Running  Appinfo            Application Information               
Stopped  AppMgmt            Application Management                
Stopped  AppReadiness       App Readiness                         
Stopped  AppVClient         Microsoft App-V Client                
Stopped  AppXSvc            AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)     

尝试使用通配符进行操作,我敢打赌它会起作用 :)

我注意到的另一件事是,您$string的等于SharePoint Policy Assignment,但您要比较的列.NameSharePoint

于 2019-02-07T16:11:24.150 回答

为了补充FoxDeploy 的有用答案


@($array.Name) -like $string  # returns sub-array of matching elements

-like,当给定一个数组作为 LHS 时,充当过滤器:仅返回与 RHS 上的通配符表达式匹配的那些数组元素(也作为数组)。


另请注意,许多 PowerShell cmdlet直接支持通配符表达式作为参数值


Get-Service *router*  # returns all services whose Name contains "router"

确定给定 cmdlet 参数的通配符支持

PS> Get-Help Get-Service -Parameter Name

-Name <String[]>
    Specifies the service names of services to be retrieved. Wildcards are permitted. By default, this cmdlet gets all of the services on the computer.

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    1
    Default value                None
    Accept pipeline input?       True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

应该是表示支持通配符表达式的Accept wildcard characters?值,但是不幸的是,这并不可靠,因此还要检查参数说明;在这里,描述部分提供了信息。此 GitHub 问题描述了该问题,并要求使通配符支持的编程可发现性可靠。trueWildcards are permitted

于 2019-02-07T17:03:56.773 回答