I'm a super new at this and working on R for my thesis. The code in this answer finally worked for me (Extracting data from an API using R), but I can't figure out how to add a loop to it. I keep getting the first page of the API when I need all 3360. Here's the code:
r1 <- GET("http://data.riksdagen.se/dokumentlista/?
sok=&doktyp=mot&rm=&from=2000-01-01&tom=2017-12- 31&ts=&bet=&tempbet=&nr=&org=&iid=&webbtv=&talare=&exakt=&planering=&sort=rel&sortorder=desc&rapport=&utformat=json&a=s#soktraff")
r2 <- rawToChar(r1$content)
r3 <- fromJSON(r2)
r4 <- r3$dokumentlista$dokument
By the time I reach r4, it's already a data frame.
Please and thank you!
Edit: originally, I couldn't get a url that had the page as info within it. Now I have it (below). I still haven't been able to loop it. "http://data.riksdagen.se/dokumentlista/?sok=&doktyp=mot&rm=&from=2000-01-01&tom=2017-12-31&ts=&bet=&tempbet=&nr=&org=&iid=&webbtv=&talare=&exakt=&planering=&sort=rel&sortorder=desc&rapport=&utformat=json&a=s&p="