I need to be able to animate drag and drop in my vertical list. I used vuedraggable, wrapped my list in a transition-group and it all worked sweet. Until I fetch new data from the server. Now because of the introduction of transition-group for a split second the old data and the new data live together in the DOM causing the expansion of the list and pushing subsequent div down and back up. This is kind of expected per the docs:

the DOM operations for insertion and/or removal will be executed immediately on next frame (Note: this is a browser animation frame, different from Vue’s concept of nextTick).

Regardless of being able to drag and drop the element, if we were to fade in/fade out the new/old elements they will co-habitate for the time of the animation, which is not great as seen in this pen

Anyway to fade out, change the data, then fade in the new one, while maintaining the height of the list?

Note that without fade the problem is still obvious: Pen of my issue: click the switch data button to see the issue.


2 回答 2



list-leave-active {
 display: none;


于 2019-02-05T14:29:12.830 回答

css 修复可能是将内容包装在某个高度的盒子中并设置溢出隐藏。


于 2019-02-05T08:12:21.317 回答