我需要你的帮助来解决这个在 MIPS 程序集中排序的问题:

如何编写 MIPS 程序来读取仅包含十进制整数的文本文件并按降序对它们进行排序。


■ 打开一个文本文件并将其内容读入一个字符数组。该数组应限制为 1000 个字符。MARS 提供用于打开和读取文本文件的系统调用。

■ 逐个字符遍历数组。将每个十进制字符串转换为二进制。十进制字符串由一个或多个十进制字符组成。它应该以空格或换行符结尾。忽略并跳过所有其他字符。将所有十进制整数存储到单词数组中。整数数组的大小应限制为 100 个字。

■ 按降序对整数数组进行排序。

■ 显示排序后的数组


你有什么想法 ?注释 ?建议?


更新:有人问这是什么问题?问题是如何从 txt 文件中读取,将数字转换为十进制?这就是问题。


2 回答 2




# Data Buffers
  m1Buff:       .space  20000           # File 1 Data Buffer
  numBuff:       .space  200             # String Number Buffer
# Arrays
  m1:            .double    1:100


#### Open the file for reading 
li  $v0, 13             # system call for open file
la  $a0,m1File          # input file name
li  $a1, 0              # flags
li  $a2, 0              # Open for reading (mode is 0: read, 1: write)
syscall                # open a file (file descriptor returned in $a0)
move $t0, $a0            # save the fd (syscall below will overwrite $a0)
#### read from file just opened
li  $v0, 14             # system call to read from file
la  $a1,m1Buff          # address of buffer to store read data.
li  $a2, 20000      # max num of cahrs to read.
syscall                # read from file

  #### Getting number of characters read from file.
  move $s0,$a0         # $s0 = number of read characters
#### Close the file 
li  $v0, 16             # system call for close file
move $a0, $t0        # Restore fd
syscall                # close file

至于转换为十进制数 ,,, 我在 2 年前编写了这个程序来将字符串转换为浮点数(它还读取指数,即 2.23E5) ,,, 在您的情况下,您需要将字符串转换为十进制更容易,,, 你应该能够弄清楚如何自己做下面的过程,,,

## String To FP Procedure
## INPUTS : A String That Is Terminated With Null Char.
##   $a0 = address of String
## Author : Manaf Abu.Rous

    move    $t1,$a0             # load Address Of Sttring In $t1

    li      $t0,10              # t0 = 10
    mtc1    $t0,$f2             # move $t0 to $f2
    cvt.d.w $f2,$f2             # f2 = 10 ( Used for Multiplication & Division )

    li      $t0,0               # t0 = 0
    mtc1    $t0,$f4             # move $t0 to $f4
    cvt.d.w $f4,$f4             # f4 = 0 = Integer Part. (Used To Generage The Integer Part Of The Number)

    li      $t0,0               # t0 = 0
    mtc1    $t0,$f6             # move $t0 to $f6
    cvt.d.w $f6,$f6             # f6 = 0 = Fraction Part. (Used To Generage The Fraction Part Of The Number)

    li      $t6,0               # $t6 = 0 = Exponent Part. (Used To Generage The Exponent Part Of The Number)

    li      $t3,0               # $t3 = 0 ( Used To Determine The Sign Of The Number, +ve = 0, -ve = 1 )
    li      $t4,0               # $t4 = 0 ( Used To Count The Number of Digits In a Fraction )
    li      $t5,0               # $t5 = 0 ( Used To Determine If The Next Char Is a Fraction , Yes = 1, No = 0)
    li      $t7,0               # $t5 = 0 ( Used To Determine If The Next Char Is an Exponent , Yes = 1, No = 0)


    #  Loop for visiting the buffer Char by Char and Constructing an Integer String


    lb      $t2,0($t1)          # load byte (char) in $t2

    # -------- Check For "-" Sign
    bne     $t2,0x2d,skipNeg    # check if char = "-" ? if yes > sign reg = 1.
    li      $t3,1               # $t3 = 1 ( Used To Determine The Sign Of The Number )
    j       NextChar

    # -------- Check For "." Dot
    bne $t2,0x2e,skipDot        # check if char = "." ? if yes > Go Read Fraction
    li      $t5,1               # $t3 = 1 > Next Chars Are Fractinos
    j       NextChar

    # -------- Check For "E" Exponent 
    bne $t2,0x45,skipE          # check if char = "E" ? if yes > Go Read Exponent
    li      $t7,1               # $t3 = 1 > Next Chars Are Exponent
    j       NextChar

    # -------- Check For Null Char ( End Of String) 
    beq     $t2,0x00,FinishNumber   # check if char = Null ? if yes > we are done with the number.

    # Check What's The Current Char
    beq     $t7,1,readExponent      # if $t7 = 1 (Next Char is Exponenet) Jump To ReadExponent
    beq     $t5,1,readFraction      # if $t7 = 1 (Next Char is Exponenet) Jump To ReadFraction

    # --------- Read Integer Part Of Char And Convert Them To Float
    subi    $t2,$t2,0x30        # subtract 0x30 from char to convert it to a number.
    mtc1    $t2,$f10            # move $t2 to $f6
    cvt.d.w $f10,$f10           # f6 = converte integer to a FP number.
    mul.d   $f4,$f4,$f2         # =((old)+2 X 10)   
    add.d   $f4,$f4,$f10        # =((old)+ 2)
    j       NextChar
    # --------- Read Fraction Part Of Char And Convert Them To Float
    subi    $t2,$t2,0x30        # subtract 0x30 from char to convert it to a number.
    mtc1    $t2,$f10                # move $t2 to $f6
    cvt.d.w $f10,$f10           # f6 = converte integer to a FP number.
    mul.d   $f6,$f6,$f2         # =((old)+2 X 10)   
    add.d   $f6,$f6,$f10            # =((old)+ 2)
    addi    $t4,$t4,1           # Increment Fractions Digits Counter
    j       NextChar
    # --------- Read Exponenet Part Of Char And Convert Them To Integer
    li      $t0,10
    subi    $t2,$t2,0x30        # subtract 0x30 from char to convert it to a number.
    mult    $t6,$t0             # =((old)+2 X 10)
    mflo    $t6 
    add     $t6,$t6,$t2         # =((old)+ 2)
    j       NextChar

    addiu   $t1,$t1,1           # increment the address for the next buffer byte.
    j       readLoop        

###################################### Finish Number Code ######################################

    # Finalizing Fraction Part And Adding It To Integer Part ------------------
    beq     $t5,0,skipFrac      # If There's No Fraction Part Then Skip. ($t5 != 1) > Skip

    li      $t0,1               # $t0  = 1
    mtc1    $t0,$f20            # move $t0 (Counter) to $f20
    cvt.d.w $f20,$f20           # f20 = 1

FracLoop:       #-------- Loop To Multiply 10 By It Self (Fraction Ditigs Counter) Times 
                mul.d   $f20,$f20,$f2       # $f20 = $f20 X $f2 ($f20 = $f20 X 10)
                addi    $t4,$t4,-1          # Decrement Fraction Digits Counter
                bgtz $t4,FracLoop

    div.d   $f6,$f6,$f20        # $f6 = $f6 / $f20 ($f6 = Fraction Part / FractionsDigits X 10 )
    add.d   $f4,$f4,$f6         # $f4 = $f4 + $f6 ( $f4 = IntegerPart + Fraction Part )
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Exponent Part -----------------------------------------------------------
    beq     $t7,0,skipExp       # If There's No Exponenet Part Then Skip. ($t7 != 1) > Skip
    beq     $t6,1,skipExp       # If The Exponent Is = 1 Then Skip
    addi    $t6,$t6,-1          # Correct Exponent.
    mov.d   $f18,$f4

ExpLoop:    #-------- Loop To Compute The Exponenet (Multiply Number By It Self (Expoenet) Times)
            mul.d   $f4,$f4,$f18        # $f4 = $f4 X $f4 ( Multiply Number By It Self )
            addi    $t6,$t6,-1          # Decrement Fraction Digits Counter
            bgtz $t6,ExpLoop

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Checking Sign Register --------------------------------------------------
    bne     $t3,1,skipSign      # if $t3 != 1  Then Skip    
    neg.d   $f4,$f4             # $f4 = - $f4
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Save The Number In $f0 To Be Returned
    mov.d   $f0,$f4             # $f0 = Converted String ( To Be Returned )

################################### End Of Finish Number Code ##################################
    jr      $ra         # Return

#                                        End Of Procedure


于 2011-03-28T23:04:33.983 回答

使用 $v0=13,$a1=0,$a2=0 的系统调用打开文件。

然后使用 $v0=14 的系统调用将其读入缓冲区。

于 2011-03-28T19:31:36.687 回答