I am requested to support a legacy system. I needed to install PHP4 on my computer for that and also MySQL 4.x. I couldn't find a MySQL 4.x version that installs on my computer so I thought I'd upgrade the system to MySQL 5.x. The problem is, PHP4 does not seem to work with MySQL 5.x.

I've read somewhere that something called mysqli is needed in PHP for it to be able to work with MySQL 5.x. I just couldn't quite understand whether it's something that is included in PHP5 or something I can add to PHP4.

If it's something I can add to PHP4, how?



1 回答 1


PHP4 应该与 MySQL 5 一起正常工作。注意我只是根据经验说话,有时我在官方 MySQL 和 PHP 网站上阅读的技术资料似乎与我观察到的有冲突。对于我所做的,我唯一真正需要担心的是两者之间的兼容性是身份验证。确保您尝试从 PHP4 连接的 MySQL 帐户使用旧密码编码。您可以自己在 mySQL 用户表中看到这一点。我不记得确切的数字,但以旧格式存储的密码大约是 16 个散列字符,而在新格式下它们要长得多。

更多信息在这里: http ://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/old-client.html

于 2011-08-05T20:54:09.680 回答