使用 graphql-go 我们如何处理给定 api 中的嵌套对象在解析器中返回以下内容

{ id:“34”,名称:“某事”,区域:{ id:34,名称:“圣何塞”} }

我们如何实现 region: "region": &graphql.Field{ Type: graphql.??, },


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这是一个使用示例github.com/graphql-go/graphql v0.7.9

package main

import (


type region struct {
    ID   int    `json:"id"`
    Name string `json:"name"`

type user struct {
    ID     string `json:"id"`
    Name   string `json:"name"`
    Region region `json:"region"`

var aRegion = region{ID: 34, Name: "San jose"}
var aUser = user{ID: "34", Name: "something", Region: aRegion}

var regionType = graphql.NewObject(graphql.ObjectConfig{
    Name: "Region",
    Fields: graphql.Fields{
        "id":   &graphql.Field{Type: graphql.Int},
        "name": &graphql.Field{Type: graphql.String},

var userType = graphql.NewObject(graphql.ObjectConfig{
    Name: "User",
    Fields: graphql.Fields{
        "id":   &graphql.Field{Type: graphql.String},
        "name": &graphql.Field{Type: graphql.String},
        "region": &graphql.Field{
            Type: regionType,
            Resolve: func(p graphql.ResolveParams) (interface{}, error) {
                source, ok := p.Source.(user)
                fmt.Printf("%#v\n", source)
                fmt.Println("ok:", ok)
                return source.Region, nil

var queryType = graphql.NewObject(graphql.ObjectConfig{
    Name: "Query",
    Fields: graphql.Fields{
        "user": &graphql.Field{
            Type: userType,
            Resolve: func(p graphql.ResolveParams) (interface{}, error) {
                return aUser, nil

func executeQuery(query string, schema graphql.Schema) *graphql.Result {
    result := graphql.Do(graphql.Params{
        Schema:        schema,
        RequestString: query,
    if len(result.Errors) > 0 {
        fmt.Printf("wrong result, unexpected errors: %v", result.Errors)
    return result

func main() {
    var schema, _ = graphql.NewSchema(graphql.SchemaConfig{
        Query: queryType,
    http.HandleFunc("/graphql", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        result := executeQuery(r.URL.Query().Get("query"), schema)
    fmt.Println("Now server is running on port 8080")
    fmt.Println("Access the web app via browser at 'http://localhost:8080'")
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

使用以下方式发送 GraphQL 请求curl

~ curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/graphql?query={user{id,name,region{id,name}}}'
{"data":{"user":{"id":"34","name":"something","region":{"id":34,"name":"San jose"}}}}


~ go run main.go
Now server is running on port 8080
Access the web app via browser at 'http://localhost:8080'
main.user{ID:"34", Name:"something", Region:main.region{ID:34, Name:"San jose"}}
ok: true
main.user{ID:"34", Name:"something", Region:main.region{ID:34, Name:"San jose"}}
ok: true
于 2020-04-02T11:54:11.420 回答