使用 XCode 10.1 / Swift 4.2。

我正在尝试将符合 Swift 协议的对象分配给 Objective-C 指针。以下代码是按预期编译和工作的最小示例,但它给了我以下警告:

如果分配给局部变量:Incompatible pointer types initializing 'NSObject<Animal> *__strong' with an expression of type 'id<Animal> _Nullable'

如果分配给存储的属性: Incompatible pointer types assigning to 'NSObject<Animal> *' from 'id<Animal> _Nullable'



@objc protocol Animal {
    var name: String { get }

@objc class Pig: NSObject, Animal {
    var name: String = "pig"

@objc class Cow: NSObject, Animal {
    var name: String = "cow"

@objc class Farm: NSObject {
    static func getAnimal(name: String) -> Animal? {
        // return some animal or nil

Objective-C 代码:

// This code returns a valid pointer to a Pig object
// that is usable in objective-c, but it also triggers 
// the warning described above
NSObject<Animal>* animal = [Farm getAnimalWithName:@"pig"];

1 回答 1


指定每个Animal实现者也实现NSObject的接口:@objc protocol Animal : NSObjectProtocol

您还可以将 ObjC 中的变量类型更改为id<Animal>.

于 2019-01-28T18:49:09.350 回答