如果您需要经常使用此查找并且 web.config 中的字符串不会经常更改,那么将字符串解析为 Dictionary 对象并将其存储在应用程序或缓存中是有意义的。
private static readonly object _MappingsLock = new object();
public static string GetMapping(int id)
// lock to avoid race conditions
lock (_MappingsLock)
// try to get the dictionary from the application object
Dictionary<int, string> mappingsDictionary =
(Dictionary<int, string>)Application["MappingsDictionary"];
if (mappingsDictionary == null)
// the dictionary wasn't found in the application object
// so we'll create it from the string in web.config
mappingsDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
foreach (string s in mappingsStringFromWebConfig.Split(','))
string[] a = s.Split('|');
mappingsDictionary.Add(int.Parse(a[0]), a[1]);
// store the dictionary in the application object
// next time around we won't need to recreate it
Application["MappingsDictionary"] = mappingsDictionary;
// now do the lookup in the dictionary
return mappingsDictionary[id];
// eg, get the mapping for id 4
string mapping = GetMapping(4); // returns "KWT"