我正在尝试清除某些 ent: 用户首次加载浏览器时的变量。我从这个例子开始:
select using ".*" setting ()
if ent:browserOpened == 0 within 4 hours then {
notify("Hello!", "Welcome to your browser! Kynetx rules doesn't it?).....
fired {
ent:browserOpened += 1 from 1;
} else {
ent:browserOpened += 1;
rule newWindow is active
//This rule checks to see if a persistent variable has been incremented in the 20 seconds
select using ".*" setting ()
if ent:browserOpened == 0 within 20 seconds then
popup(250, 250, 150, 400, "http://www.google.com")
ent:browserOpened += 1 from 1;
clear ent:clickMerchantID;
ent:browserOpened += 1;
我怀疑这与我如何增加 ent:browserOpened 变量有关。仅当我清除我的 cookie 并刷新浏览器时才会触发弹出窗口。我想它也可能是“内部”动词。在文档中找不到太多关于它的信息。
当我知道规则正确触发时,我将删除弹出窗口并离开 noop()。