我有一组 shared_ptr,我想将 remove_copy_if 与谓词的自定义函数对象一起使用。我不知道做到这一点的“最佳”方式。现在,我有这个工作:

class CellInCol : public std::unary_function<const std::shared_ptr<Cell>,
    CellInCol( size_t col ) : _col( col ) {}
    bool operator() ( const std::shared_ptr<Cell> &a ) const
        return ( a->GetX() == _col );
    size_t _col;

    typedef std::set<std::shared_ptr<Cell>, CellSorter> Container;
    Container _grid;
    // initialization omitted...

Puzzle::Container Puzzle::GetCol( size_t c )
    Cell::Validate( c, 1, 9 );
    Container col;
    std::remove_copy_if( _grid.begin(), _grid.end(),
                         std::inserter( col, col.begin() ),
                         std::not1( CellInCol( c ) ) );
    return col;

我决定对 shared_ptr 进行 const 引用,因为该对象不会保留指针,而且这似乎比 shared_ptr 的额外副本更有效。

似乎只对对象进行 const 引用会更好,但我无法编译它。我把它改成了这个,但没有运气:

class CellInCol : public std::unary_function<const Cell,
    CellInCol( size_t col ) : _col( col ) {}

    // note use of const ref to shared_ptr's
    bool operator() ( const Cell &a ) const
        return ( a.GetX() == _col );
    size_t _col;

这是 g++ 的输出:

In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.4/algorithm:62,
                 from /usr/include/c++/4.4/valarray:41,
                 from Puzzle.h:5,
                 from Puzzle.cpp:2:
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h: In function ‘_OIter std::remove_copy_if(_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _Predicate) [with _IIter = std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> >, _OIter = std::insert_iterator<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>, Sudoku::CellSorter, std::allocator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> > > >, _Predicate = std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInRow>]’:
Puzzle.cpp:100:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h:938: error: no match for call to ‘(std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInRow>) (const std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>&)’
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_function.h:357: note: candidates are: bool std::unary_negate<_Predicate>::operator()(const typename _Predicate::argument_type&) const [with _Predicate = Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInRow]
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h: In function ‘_OIter std::remove_copy_if(_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _Predicate) [with _IIter = std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> >, _OIter = std::insert_iterator<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>, Sudoku::CellSorter, std::allocator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> > > >, _Predicate = std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInCol>]’:
Puzzle.cpp:110:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h:938: error: no match for call to ‘(std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInCol>) (const std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>&)’
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_function.h:357: note: candidates are: bool std::unary_negate<_Predicate>::operator()(const typename _Predicate::argument_type&) const [with _Predicate = Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInCol]
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h: In function ‘_OIter std::remove_copy_if(_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _Predicate) [with _IIter = std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> >, _OIter = std::insert_iterator<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>, Sudoku::CellSorter, std::allocator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> > > >, _Predicate = std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInBlock>]’:
Puzzle.cpp:121:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h:938: error: no match for call to ‘(std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInBlock>) (const std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>&)’
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_function.h:357: note: candidates are: bool std::unary_negate<_Predicate>::operator()(const typename _Predicate::argument_type&) const [with _Predicate = Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellInBlock]
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h: In function ‘_OIter std::remove_copy_if(_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _Predicate) [with _IIter = std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> >, _OIter = std::insert_iterator<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>, Sudoku::CellSorter, std::allocator<std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell> > > >, _Predicate = std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellIsNeighbor>]’:
Puzzle.cpp:154:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algo.h:938: error: no match for call to ‘(std::unary_negate<Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellIsNeighbor>) (const std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::Cell>&)’
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_function.h:357: note: candidates are: bool std::unary_negate<_Predicate>::operator()(const typename _Predicate::argument_type&) const [with _Predicate = Sudoku::<unnamed>::CellIsNeighbor]
make: *** [Puzzle.o] Error 1



2 回答 2


首先,由于您使用的是 C++0x 特性 ( std::shared_ptr),因此使用它std::copy_if()来避免调用std::not1.

您编写的第一个仿函数有效,一个最小的可编译示例将是这样的:https ://ideone.com/XhuNu

正如编译器指出的那样,第二个仿函数不起作用,因为它的 argument_type(即const Cell)与调用它的参数(即 )不匹配const std::shared_ptr<Cell>&

它根本不是容器所包含的!就目前所知,这些 Cell 对象甚至可能不可复制。

如果容器是一组 Cell,而不是一组指向 Cell 的共享指针,那么使用第二个仿函数确实会更好。无论如何,避免对象的共享所有权被认为是好的设计。


#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

struct Cell {
        int mX;
        Cell(int x) : mX(x) {}
        size_t GetX() const { return mX;}
struct CellSorter {
        bool operator()(const Cell& l, const Cell& r) const
                return l.GetX() < r.GetX();

// your second functor begins
class CellInCol : public std::unary_function<const Cell,
    CellInCol( size_t col ) : _col( col ) {}

    // note use of const ref to shared_ptr's
    bool operator() ( const Cell &a ) const
        return ( a.GetX() == _col );
    size_t _col;
// your second functor ends

int main()
    typedef std::set<Cell, CellSorter> Container;
    Container _grid = {Cell(1), Cell(2), Cell(7), Cell(10)};
    Container col;
    size_t c = 7;
    std::remove_copy_if( _grid.begin(), _grid.end(),
                         std::inserter( col, col.begin() ),
                         std::not1( CellInCol( c ) ) );
    std::cout << "col has " << col.size() << " elements\n"
              << "the first element is " << col.begin()->GetX() << '\n';

试运行:https ://ideone.com/kLiFn

于 2011-03-25T20:46:22.053 回答

您可以使用s 而不是sboost::make_indirect_iterator进行std::remove_copy_if工作。但是,由于算法将直接在 s 上工作,因此输出迭代器也必须采用s 而不是s。这意味着输出集合必须是s 的集合。Cellshared_ptrCellCellshared_ptrCell


Cubbi 的示例修改为使用boost::lambda

#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>

struct Cell {
        int mX;
        Cell(int x) : mX(x) {}
        size_t GetX() const { return mX;}
struct CellSorter {
        bool operator()(const boost::shared_ptr<Cell>& l, const boost::shared_ptr<Cell>& r) const
                return l->GetX() < r->GetX();

class CellInCol : public std::unary_function<Cell, bool>
    CellInCol( size_t col ) : _col( col ) {}

    // note use of const ref to shared_ptr's
    bool operator() ( const Cell &a ) const
        return ( a.GetX() == _col );
    size_t _col;

int main()
    typedef std::set<boost::shared_ptr<Cell>, CellSorter> Container;
    Container _grid;
    _grid.insert( boost::shared_ptr<Cell>(new Cell(1)));
    _grid.insert( boost::shared_ptr<Cell>(new Cell(2)));
    _grid.insert( boost::shared_ptr<Cell>(new Cell(7)));
    _grid.insert( boost::shared_ptr<Cell>(new Cell(10)));
    Container col;
    size_t c = 7;

        std::inserter( col, col.begin() ),
        !boost::lambda::bind(CellInCol(c), *boost::lambda::_1) // <------ :^)

    std::cout << "col has " << col.size() << " elements\n"
              << " the first element is " << (*col.begin())->GetX() << '\n';

(ideone 的 C++0x 编译器不知道它是 boost,所以我将 std::shared_ptr 更改为 boost::shared_ptr,但这应该没什么区别)



我决定对 shared_ptr 进行 const 引用,因为该对象不会保留指针,而且这似乎比 shared_ptr 的额外副本更有效。

是的,您应该(几乎)始终shared_ptrs 作为对 const 的引用传递,这会产生巨大的影响。在具有线程的平台上复制 ashared_ptr意味着至少有一个原子指令(CAS、原子增量或类似的东西),而且这些指令可能相当昂贵。(当然,销毁副本同样昂贵)

我能想到的唯一例外是该函数是否将复制shared_ptr. 在这种情况下,您可以按值获取它并使用它swap()来“复制”它,或者提供右值引用重载。(如果函数并不总是复制shared_ptr,则右值引用重载将是首选解决方案)。


于 2011-03-26T05:18:00.467 回答