
我无法在 select 语句中使用 EF core 2.1 编写正确的代码,因为我遇到了运行时异常“值不能为空”或者无法使用空传播运算符。


VotedAt = i.CurrentUserVote == null 
    ? new DateTimeOffset() 
    : i.CurrentUserVote.VotedAt,
CurrentUserVote = i.CurrentUserVote == null 
    ? false 
    : i.CurrentUserVote.IsPositive,


VotedAt = i.CurrentUserVote == null 
    ? null 
    : i.CurrentUserVote.VotedAt,
CurrentUserVote = i.CurrentUserVote == null 
    ? null 
    : i.CurrentUserVote.IsPositive,


VotedAt = i.CurrentUserVote?.VotedAt,
CurrentUserVote = i.CurrentUserVote?.IsPositive,

社区要求的其他信息: 选定的实体:

public class IssueListItem
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public Votes Votes { get; set; }

public class Votes
    public int Positive { get; set; }
    public int Negative { get; set; }
    public int All { get; set; }
    public bool? CurrentUserVote { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset? VotedAt { get; set; }


        return _unitOfWork.Issues.GetQuery()
                .WithVotes<Issue, IssueVote, int>(currentUserId)
                .Select(i => new IssueListItem
                    Id = i.Item.Id,
                    Votes = i.Votes,
                    Title = i.Item.Title,
                    //removed some other properties

哪里WithVotes<Issue, IssueVote, int>(currentUserId)是:

            return q
                .Select(i => new
                    Item = i,
                    VoutesGroups = i.Votes
                        .GroupBy(v => v.IsPositive, v => true, (key, vg) => new { IsPositive = key, Count = vg.Count() }),
                    CurrentUserVote = currentUserId == null ? null : i.Votes.FirstOrDefault(v => v.CreatedById == currentUserId),
                .Select(i => new AssignVotesModel<TEntity, TVote, TId>
                    Item = i.Item,
                    Votes = new Votes
                        Positive = i.VoutesGroups.Where(vg => vg.IsPositive == true).Sum(vg => vg.Count),
                        Negative = i.VoutesGroups.Where(vg => vg.IsPositive == false).Sum(vg => vg.Count),
                        All = i.VoutesGroups.Sum(vg => vg.Count),
                        VotedAt = i.CurrentUserVote == null ? new DateTimeOffset() : i.CurrentUserVote.VotedAt,
                        CurrentUserVote = i.CurrentUserVote == null ? false : i.CurrentUserVote.IsPositive,

1 回答 1


The defined column probably cannot be null in the database, Or in your entity Mapping.

Check that your Entity Model does not have Required attribute. Also check that specified Property is not tagged with Required in modelBuilder configuration.

Lastly, check your Table Column from your RDBMS whether it is set as IS NOT NULL

于 2019-01-25T12:07:42.413 回答