function init() {
var myMap = new ymaps.Map('map', {
center: [55.650625, 37.62708],
zoom: 10,
controls: []
* The button layout should display the 'data.content' field
* and change depending on whether the button was clicked or not.
* The current size (small, medium, large) is calculated from the value of the 'maxWidth' option
* @see https://api.yandex.ru/maps/doc/jsapi/2.1/ref/reference/control.Button.xml#param-parameters
ButtonLayout = ymaps.templateLayoutFactory.createClass([
'<div title="{{ data.title }}" class="my-button ',
'{% if state.size == "small" %}my-button_small{% endif %}',
'{% if state.size == "medium" %}my-button_medium{% endif %}',
'{% if state.size == "large" %}my-button_large{% endif %}',
'{% if state.selected %} my-button-selected{% endif %}">',
'<img class="my-button__img" src="{{ data.image }}" alt="{{ data.title }}">',
'<span class="my-button__text">{{ data.content }}</span>',
button = new ymaps.control.Button({
data: {
content: "Click-click-click",
image: 'images/pen.png',
title: "Click-click-click"
options: {
layout: ButtonLayout,
maxWidth: [170, 190, 220]
myMap.controls.add(button, {
right: 5,
top: 5