如何检测打印机在哪个端口(Ne01:、Ne02:、Ne99: 等)?

BigCorp 的计算机 (WinXP) 安装了 Adob​​e Acrobat(7.0 Pro 版),它提供了一个名为“Adobe PDF”的虚拟打印机。如果您在录制宏时将 Excel (2003) 工作簿打印为 pdf,则打印机的全名是“Adobe PDF on Nexx:”,其中 xx 是两位数....并且根据您尝试的计算机而有所不同。

我已经使用 Excel.Interop 编写了一个 C# 控制台应用程序(我强烈反对其他任何人从这条通往地狱的道路开始),它会打开一系列电子表格。它在每个宏中运行一个宏,以 pdf 格式保存、打印,然后将 pdf 移动到共享驱动器上的报告文件夹中。

我面临的问题是每次安装 Acrobat 似乎都会为 PDF 打印机选择一个随机端口号......我不知道如何获得它。

到目前为止,我已经尝试过像这样使用Win32_Printer 类

var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher( @"SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer" );
foreach ( ManagementObject printer in searcher.Get() )
   if ( Regex.IsMatch( printer["Name"].ToString(), @"(adobe|pdf)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
       //printer["Name"];    => "Adobe PDF"
       //printer["PortName"] => "my documents/*.pdf"
       foreach ( PropertyData pd in printer.Properties )
           Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}", pd.Name, pd.Value));

我还在 System.Drawing.Printing 类中闲逛。PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters将为您提供打印机“Adobe PDF”的名称,但我不知道如何获取端口信息。

如果我只将“Adobe PDF”传递给 excel interop PrintOut() 方法,它有时会起作用,有时会因“文档无法打印”而失败......我不知道为什么。

如果我通过带有适当 x 值的硬编码“Ne0x 上的 Adob​​e PDF:”,它每次都有效。

如果我尝试所有可能的变化,Excel 会很有帮助地打印到默认打印机。我没有更改默认打印机的选项(安全策略限制)



3 回答 3



using Microsoft.Win32;

        var devices = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( @"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices" ); //Read-accessible even when using a locked-down account
        string printerName = "Adobe PDF";


            foreach ( string name in devices.GetValueNames() )
                if ( Regex.IsMatch( name, printerName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
                    var value = (String)devices.GetValue( name );
                    var port = Regex.Match( value, @"(Ne\d+:)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ).Value;  
                    return printerName + " on " + port;
于 2011-04-28T16:35:14.113 回答

上次我使用 Acrobat 时,它总是将自己安装在 LPT1 上:从而避免了这个问题。但是我认为您必须在注册表中卑躬屈膝,HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices拥有它们。

于 2011-03-24T20:39:10.960 回答

当您发现您必须查询注册表时,这是我使用[in VBA]的方式,我从Chip Pearson 的出色 Excel 网站获得:

' modListPrinters
' By Chip Pearson, chip@cpearson.com  www.cpearson.com
' Created 22-Sept-2012
' This provides a function named GetPrinterFullNames that
' returns a String array, each element of which is the name
' of a printer installed on the machine.
Private Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER As Long = &H80000001
Private Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1&
Private Const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259&
Private Const ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234
Private Const REG_SZ = 1

Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32" _
    Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" ( _
    ByVal hKey As Long, _
    ByVal lpSubKey As String, _
    ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
    ByVal samDesired As Long, _
    phkResult As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function RegEnumValue Lib "ADVAPI32.DLL" _
    Alias "RegEnumValueA" ( _
    ByVal hKey As Long, _
    ByVal dwIndex As Long, _
    ByVal lpValueName As String, _
    lpcbValueName As Long, _
    ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
    lpType As Long, _
    lpData As Byte, _
    lpcbData As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "ADVAPI32.DLL" ( _
    ByVal hKey As Long) As Long

Public Function GetPrinterFullNames() As String()
' GetPrinterFullNames
' By Chip Pearson, chip@cpearson.com, www.cpearson.com
' Returns an array of printer names, where each printer name
' is the device name followed by the port name. The value can
' be used to assign a printer to the ActivePrinter property of
' the Application object. Note that setting the ActivePrinter
' changes the default printer for Excel but does not change
' the Windows default printer.

Dim Printers() As String ' array of names to be returned
Dim PNdx As Long    ' index into Printers()
Dim hKey As Long    ' registry key handle
Dim Res As Long     ' result of API calls
Dim Ndx As Long     ' index for RegEnumValue
Dim ValueName As String ' name of each value in the printer key
Dim ValueNameLen As Long    ' length of ValueName
Dim DataType As Long        ' registry value data type
Dim ValueValue() As Byte    ' byte array of registry value value
Dim ValueValueS As String   ' ValueValue converted to String
Dim CommaPos As Long        ' position of comma character in ValueValue
Dim ColonPos As Long        ' position of colon character in ValueValue
Dim M As Long               ' string index

' registry key in HCKU listing printers
Const PRINTER_KEY = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices"

PNdx = 0
Ndx = 0
' assume printer name is less than 256 characters
ValueName = String$(256, Chr(0))
ValueNameLen = 255
' assume the port name is less than 1000 characters
ReDim ValueValue(0 To 999)
' assume there are less than 1000 printers installed
ReDim Printers(1 To 1000)

' open the key whose values enumerate installed printers
Res = RegOpenKeyEx(HKCU, PRINTER_KEY, 0&, _
' start enumeration loop of printers
Res = RegEnumValue(hKey, Ndx, ValueName, _
    ValueNameLen, 0&, DataType, ValueValue(0), 1000)
' loop until all values have been enumerated
    M = InStr(1, ValueName, Chr(0))
    If M > 1 Then
        ' clean up the ValueName
        ValueName = Left(ValueName, M - 1)
    End If
    ' find position of a comma and colon in the port name
    CommaPos = InStr(1, ValueValue, ",")
    ColonPos = InStr(1, ValueValue, ":")
    ' ValueValue byte array to ValueValueS string
    On Error Resume Next
    ValueValueS = Mid(ValueValue, CommaPos + 1, ColonPos - CommaPos)
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' next slot in Printers
    PNdx = PNdx + 1
    Printers(PNdx) = ValueName & " on " & ValueValueS
    ' reset some variables
    ValueName = String(255, Chr(0))
    ValueNameLen = 255
    ReDim ValueValue(0 To 999)
    ValueValueS = vbNullString
    ' tell RegEnumValue to get the next registry value
    Ndx = Ndx + 1
    ' get the next printer
    Res = RegEnumValue(hKey, Ndx, ValueName, ValueNameLen, _
        0&, DataType, ValueValue(0), 1000)
    ' test for error
    If (Res <> 0) And (Res <> ERROR_MORE_DATA) Then
        Exit Do
    End If

' shrink Printers down to used size
ReDim Preserve Printers(1 To PNdx)
Res = RegCloseKey(hKey)
' Return the result array
GetPrinterFullNames = Printers
End Function

然后我使用此函数获取 PDF 打印机名称:

Public Function FindPDFPrinter() As String
'this function finds the exact printer name for the Adobe PDF printer

        Dim Printers() As String
        Dim N As Integer
        FindPDFPrinter = ""
        Printers = GetPrinterFullNames()
        For N = LBound(Printers) To UBound(Printers)
            If InStr(1, Printers(N), "PDF") Then
              FindPDFPrinter = Printers(N)
            End If
        Next N

End Function

然后将 Application.ActivePrinter 设置为该字符串。


于 2013-01-10T23:50:53.943 回答