
问题是每个帖子旁边的文件不会被复制到与相应帖子的 html 文件相同的 www 导出目录中(或者,使用正确的最终位置重建的图像 url)。


1 回答 1


I found a solution for Hugo.

Front matter (omit url):

author: abc
date: 2019-01-14 21:23:43+00:00
draft: false
title: 'bla'
type: post

Markdown post file is an index file now:

hugo new 2019-01-14-your-post-title/index.md

That way you won't have /2019/01/14/your-post-title urls, you get /2019-01-14-your-post-title/ instead, which is fine by me. Now you can put images into content/2019-01-14-your-post-title/ and reference them from the markdown index.md file directly without using any paths or having to store them in a central location first.

于 2019-01-17T21:17:55.953 回答