3 回答 3


There's no need to run heroku config:add manually. Just run heroku_san's config task:

$ rake all heroku:config

Repeat this whenever you update the heroku.yml file.

I was confused about this too, since it's strangely absent from heroku_san's documentation, but the option does appear in the list of rake tasks:

$ rake -T

and in the heroku_san code: https://github.com/fastestforward/heroku_san/blob/master/lib/heroku_san/tasks.rb

于 2011-08-17T00:49:32.187 回答

A simple solution/work-around:

heroku config:add S3_KEY=XXX S3_SECRET=XXX --app app-staging

Any better ideas?

于 2011-03-24T18:30:05.843 回答

I think you need to run the command rake all heroku:rack_env. This command will then set the environment configurations for you based on your heroku_san YAML configuration.

于 2011-07-15T07:44:01.813 回答