We are going to write Helm chart and providing configuration file using configmap.
For some reasons our app is using JSON format configuration file. Currently we provide configuration file in Helm chart's values.yaml like this.
...(content in YAML)...
And to make it easy to modify, in values.yaml we use YAML format and in configmap's template we did conversion using "toJson",
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.conffiles }}
{{ $key }}: |
{{ toJson $value | default "{}" | indent 4 }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
So in values.yaml it's YAML, and in configmap it will be JSON, then in container it will be stored into JSON file.
Our question is,
- Is there a way to convert YAML to JSON when saving files into container? That is, we hope those configuration content could be 1) YAML in values.yaml 2) YAML in configmap 3) JSON file in container
Thank in advance.