我想使用 Radare2 来了解如何将 C 组装成程序集,但我在布局方面遇到了问题。我觉得V!模式会非常方便,因为您可以在指令指针在程序中移动时看到寄存器更新,但我不明白布局。

这是我想要的布局示例: 在此处输入图像描述


我知道“X”关闭一个窗口,“z”将当前窗口切换到前面,“-”/“|” 分割一个窗口。



1 回答 1



  • 雷达2: 4.2.0-git 23712 @ linux-x86-64 git.4.1.1-97-g5a48a4017 提交:5a48a401787c0eab31ecfb48bebf7cdfccb66e9b 构建:2020-01-09__21:44:51
  • 系统: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS


  • 这个问题可以通过多种方式解决,这只是一个例子。
  • 要创建您描述的布局,请通过以下方式更改默认布局中显示的命令:

    1. 单击内部/选择要更改的面板。
    2. 右键单击面板并选择新命令或
    3. 输入“e”,然后输入新命令。(例如:寄存器 = 博士)
  • 下面显示的进一步文档可以在这里找到:https ://radare.gitbooks.io/radare2book/visual_mode/visual_panels.html

|Visual Ascii Art Panels:
| |      split the current panel vertically
| -      split the current panel horizontally
| :      run r2 command in prompt
| _      start the hud input mode
| ?      show this help
| ??     show the user-friendly hud
| !      run r2048 game
| .      seek to PC or entrypoint
| *      show pseudo code/r2dec in the current panel
| /      highlight the keyword
| (      toggle snow
| &      toggle cache
| [1-9]  follow jmp/call identified by shortcut (like ;[1])
| ' '    (space) toggle graph / panels
| tab    go to the next panel
| a      toggle auto update for decompiler
| b      browse symbols, flags, configurations, classes, ...
| c      toggle cursor
| C      toggle color
| d      define in the current address. Same as Vd
| D      show disassembly in the current panel
| e      change title and command of current panel
| g      go/seek to given offset
| G      show graph in the current panel
| i      insert hex
| hjkl   move around (left-down-up-right)
| J      scroll panels down by page
| K      scroll panels up by page
| H      scroll panels left by page
| L      scroll panels right by page
| m      select the menu panel
| M      open new custom frame
| nN     create new panel with given command
| pP     seek to next or previous scr.nkey
| q      quit, back to visual mode
| r      toggle jmphints/leahints
| sS     step in / step over
| t      rotate related commands in a panel
| uU     undo / redo seek
| w      start Window mode
| V      go to the graph mode
| X      close current panel
| z      swap current panel with the first one



user@host:~$ r2 /bin/ls
[0x00005850]> aaaa
[0x00005850]> s main
[0x00003e90]> V!

打开可视面板后的默认视图 默认面板视图

选择右上角的面板,然后右键单击并选择寄存器 选择寄存器命令

选择右下面板然后右键单击并选择堆栈 选择堆栈命令

最终视图 在此处输入图像描述

于 2020-01-15T00:16:50.603 回答