我创建了一个闪亮的基本应用程序,它连接数据并将数据上传到共享的 googlesheet。该应用程序在本地运行良好,但是当我尝试在网络浏览器中运行它时,它不会上传任何数据。


1) I'm running on a Mac, OSX Mojave v 10.14.2 
2) I've enabled web sharing via the terminal with sudo apachectl start (I think that's all it took?)
3) I've scoured similar problems on here. 
4) The app opens and uploads data when I "view in browser" from the RStudio IDE
5) I wanted to try Shiny Server, however apparently they haven't written anything for Macs yet that doesn't have to built from source, which is way beyond my level.
6) The google sheet is published to the web as well.

这是来自 shinyapps.io 日志提供的消息

Listening on
2019-01-15T14:33:32.976569+00:00 shinyapps[636194]: Adding .httr-oauth to .gitignore
2019-01-15T14:33:33.012405+00:00 shinyapps[636194]: Please point your browser to the following url: 
2019-01-15T14:33:33.010168+00:00 shinyapps[636194]: Waiting for authentication in browser...
2019-01-15T14:33:33.010485+00:00 shinyapps[636194]: Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
2019-01-15T14:33:33.012759+00:00 shinyapps[636194]: "This is the provided URL"

I then go to the provided URL, that takes me to a accounts.google page that asks me to provide authentication to a specific google account, which I do.

然后我从 safari 收到这个错误:

Safari can't open the page "the provided URL" because safari cannot connect to the server "localhost"

我基本上希望这个应用程序只能由允许的 google 帐户使用,该帐户是一个共享帐户,并且最多可以从 3 台不同的 Windows 机器上传,感谢任何帮助!


1 回答 1


我在我的代码中找到了一个临时解决方法,因为我利用了 R 中的 google sheet 包,它作为一个名为的函数:

gs_title("worksheet title") 


gs_url("worksheet URL as copied from search bar")

它传递了工作表的 url,显然绕过了本地服务器问题,并允许我从其他机器打开应用程序。

于 2019-01-15T17:30:36.780 回答