NSStatusItem在我将它添加到 Cocoa 的状态栏后是否可以获得框架?当我的应用程序启动时,我正在向系统状态栏添加一个项目,并且想知道它的位置是可能的。


6 回答 6


以下似乎可行 - 我已经看到 iOS 应用程序的类似解决方案,并且据说它们允许提交到应用商店,因为您仍在使用标准 SDK 方法。

    NSRect frame = [[statusBarItem valueForKey:@"window"] frame];
于 2012-04-29T20:38:32.707 回答

在 10.10 中,NSStatusItem有一个button属性用于在不设置自定义视图的情况下获取状态项位置。

NSStatusBarButton *statusBarButton = [myStatusItem button];
NSRect rectInWindow = [statusBarButton convertRect:[statusBarButton bounds] toView:nil];
NSRect screenRect = [[statusBarButton window] convertRectToScreen:rectInWindow];
NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromRect(screenRect));
于 2014-07-09T17:07:59.180 回答


于 2019-03-03T02:18:35.567 回答


NSRect statusRect = [[statusItem view] frame];
NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1fx%.1f",statusRect.size.width, statusRect.size.height]);

否则,我认为不可能使用可用且记录在案的 API。


于 2011-08-19T14:09:20.980 回答

可以在没有任何私有 API 的情况下执行此操作。这是 NSScreen 的一个类别。这使用图像分析来定位菜单栏上状态项的图像。幸运的是,计算机真的很快。:)

只要你知道状态项的图像是什么样的,并且可以将它作为 NSImage 传入,这个方法应该可以找到它。


@implementation NSScreen (LTStatusItemLocator)

// Find the location of IMG on the screen's status bar.
// If the image is not found, returns NSZeroPoint
- (NSPoint)originOfStatusItemWithImage:(NSImage *)IMG
    CGColorSpaceRef     csK = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
    NSPoint             ret = NSZeroPoint;
    CGDirectDisplayID   screenID = 0;
    CGImageRef          displayImg = NULL;
    CGImageRef          compareImg = NULL;
    CGRect              screenRect = CGRectZero;
    CGRect              barRect = CGRectZero;
    uint8_t             *bm_bar = NULL;
    uint8_t             *bm_bar_ptr;
    uint8_t             *bm_compare = NULL;
    uint8_t             *bm_compare_ptr;
    size_t              bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h;
    BOOL                inverted = NO;
    int                 numberOfScanLines = 0;
    CGFloat             *meanValues = NULL;

    int                 presumptiveMatchIdx = -1;
    CGFloat             presumptiveMatchMeanVal = 999;

    // If the computer is set to Dark Mode, set the "inverted" flag
    NSDictionary *globalPrefs = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] persistentDomainForName:NSGlobalDomain];
    id style = globalPrefs[@"AppleInterfaceStyle"];
    if ([style isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
        inverted = (NSOrderedSame == [style caseInsensitiveCompare:@"dark"]);

    screenID = (CGDirectDisplayID)[self.deviceDescription[@"NSScreenNumber"] integerValue];

    screenRect = CGDisplayBounds(screenID);

    // Get the menubar rect
    barRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, screenRect.size.width, 22);

    displayImg = CGDisplayCreateImageForRect(screenID, barRect);
    if (!displayImg) {
        NSLog(@"Unable to create image from display");
        return ret; // I would normally use goto(bail) here, but this is public code so let's not ruffle any feathers

    size_t bar_w = CGImageGetWidth(displayImg);
    size_t bar_h = CGImageGetHeight(displayImg);

    // Determine scale factor based on the CGImageRef we got back from the display
    CGFloat scaleFactor = (CGFloat)bar_h / (CGFloat)22;

    // Greyscale bitmap for menu bar
    bm_bar = malloc(1 * bar_w * bar_h);
        CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;

        bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_bar, bar_w, bar_h, 8, 1 * bar_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);

        // Draw the menu bar in grey
        CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0, 0, bar_w, bar_h), displayImg);

        uint8_t minVal = 0xff;
        uint8_t maxVal = 0x00;
        // Walk the bitmap
        uint64_t running = 0;
        for (int yi = bar_h / 2; yi == bar_h / 2; yi++)
            bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar + (bar_w * yi);
            for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
                uint8_t v = *bm_bar_ptr++;
                if (v < minVal) minVal = v;
                if (v > maxVal) maxVal = v;
                running += v;
        running /= bar_w;
        uint8_t threshold = minVal + ((maxVal - minVal) / 2);
        //threshold = running;

        // Walk the bitmap
        bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar;
        for (int yi = 0; yi < bar_h; yi++)
            for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
                // Threshold all the pixels. Values > 50% go white, values <= 50% go black
                // (opposite if Dark Mode)

                // Could unroll this loop as an optimization, but probably not worthwhile
                *bm_bar_ptr = (*bm_bar_ptr > threshold) ? (inverted?0x00:0xff) : (inverted?0xff:0x00);

        displayImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);


        CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;
        CGImageRef img_cg = NULL;

        bm_compare_w = scaleFactor * IMG.size.width;
        bm_compare_h = scaleFactor * 22;

        // Create out comparison bitmap - the image that was passed in
        bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);

        CGContextSetBlendMode(bmCxt, kCGBlendModeNormal);

        NSRect imgRect_og = NSMakeRect(0,0,IMG.size.width,IMG.size.height);
        NSRect imgRect = imgRect_og;
        img_cg = [IMG CGImageForProposedRect:&imgRect context:nil hints:nil];

        CGContextClearRect(bmCxt, imgRect);
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor whiteColor].CGColor);
        CGContextFillRect(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,9999,9999));

        CGContextScaleCTM(bmCxt, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
        CGContextTranslateCTM(bmCxt, 0, (22. - IMG.size.height) / 2.);

        // Draw the image in grey
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor blackColor].CGColor);
        CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, imgRect, img_cg);

        compareImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);


        // We start at the right of the menu bar, and scan left until we find a good match
        int numberOfScanLines = barRect.size.width - IMG.size.width;

        bm_compare = malloc(1 * bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h);
        // We use the meanValues buffer to keep track of how well the image matched for each point in the scan
        meanValues = calloc(sizeof(CGFloat), numberOfScanLines);

        // Walk the menubar image from right to left, pixel by pixel
        for (int scanx = 0; scanx < numberOfScanLines; scanx++)

            // Optimization, if we recently found a really good match, bail on the loop and return it
            if ((presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) && (scanx > (presumptiveMatchIdx + 5))) {

            CGFloat xOffset = numberOfScanLines - scanx;
            CGRect displayRect = CGRectMake(xOffset * scaleFactor, 0, IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor);
            CGImageRef displayCrop = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(displayImg, displayRect);

            CGContextRef compareCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_compare, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
            CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeCopy);

            // Draw the image from our menubar
            CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), displayCrop);

            // Blend mode difference is like an XOR
            CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeDifference);

            // Draw the test image. Because of blend mode, if we end up with a black image we matched perfectly
            CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), compareImg);


            // Walk through the result image, to determine overall blackness
            bm_compare_ptr = bm_compare;
            for (int i = 0; i < bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h; i++)
                meanValues[scanx] += (CGFloat)(*bm_compare_ptr);
            meanValues[scanx] /= (255. * (CGFloat)(bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h));

            // If the image is very dark, it matched well. If the average pixel value is < 0.07, we consider this
            // a presumptive match. Mark it as such, but continue looking to see if there's an even better match.
            if (meanValues[scanx] < 0.07) {
                if (meanValues[scanx] < presumptiveMatchMeanVal) {
                    presumptiveMatchMeanVal = meanValues[scanx];
                    presumptiveMatchIdx = scanx;



    // After we're done scanning the whole menubar (or we bailed because we found a good match),
    // return the origin point.
    // If we didn't match well enough, return NSZeroPoint
    if (presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) {
        ret = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.frame), CGRectGetMaxY(self.frame));
        ret.x -= (IMG.size.width + presumptiveMatchIdx);
        ret.y -= 22;


    if (bm_bar) free(bm_bar);
    if (bm_compare) free(bm_compare);
    if (meanValues) free(meanValues);

    return ret;

于 2016-06-28T21:01:41.967 回答

你可以像这样破解窗口 ivar:

@interface NSStatusItem (Hack)

- (NSRect)hackFrame;


@implementation NSStatusItem (Hack)

- (NSRect)hackFrame
    int objSize = class_getInstanceSize( [NSObject class] ) ;
    id * _ffWindow = (void *)self + objSize + sizeof(NSStatusBar*) + sizeof(CGFloat) ;
    NSWindow * window = *_ffWindow ;

    return [window frame] ;




于 2012-03-13T22:01:42.820 回答