I have a list of URLs saved in a .txt file and I would like to feed them, one at a time, to a variable named url to which I apply methods from the newspaper3k python library. The program extracts the URL content, authors of the article, a summary of the text, etc, then prints the info to a new .txt file. The script works fine when you give it one URL as user input, but what should I do in order to read from a .txt with thousands of URLs?

I am only beginning with Python, as a matter of fact this is my first script, so I have tried to simply say url = (myfile.txt), but I realized this wouldn't work because I have to read the file one line at a time. So I have tried to apply read() and readlines() to it, but it wouldn't work properly because 'str' object has no attribute 'read' or 'readlines'. What should I use to read those URLs saved in a .txt file, each beginning in a new line, as the input of my simple script? Should I convert string to something else?

Extract from the code, lines 1-18:

from newspaper import Article
from newspaper import fulltext
import requests

url = input("Article URL: ")
a = Article(url, language='pt')
html = requests.get(url).text
text = fulltext(html)
download = a.download()
parse = a.parse()
nlp = a.nlp()
title = a.title
publish_date = a.publish_date
authors = a.authors
keywords = a.keywords
summary = a.summary

Later I have built some functions to display the info in a desired format and save it to a new .txt. I know this is a very basic one, but I am honestly stuck... I have read other similar questions here but I couldn't properly understand or apply the suggestions. So, what is the best way to read URLs from a .txt file in order to feed them, one at a time, to the url variable, to which other methods are them applied to extract its content?

This is my first question here and I understand the forum is aimed at more experienced programmers, but I would really appreciate some help. If I need to edit or clarify something in this post, please let me know and I will correct immediately.


2 回答 2



from newspaper import Article
from newspaper import fulltext
import requests

with open('myfile.txt',r) as f:
    for line in f:
        #do not forget to strip the trailing new line
        url = line.rstrip("\n")
        a = Article(url, language='pt')
        html = requests.get(url).text
        text = fulltext(html)
        download = a.download()
        parse = a.parse()
        nlp = a.nlp()
        title = a.title
        publish_date = a.publish_date
        authors = a.authors
        keywords = a.keywords
        summary = a.summary
于 2019-01-06T18:39:47.567 回答


url_file = open('myfile.txt','r')
for url in url_file.readlines():
   print url


from newspaper import Article
from newspaper import fulltext
import requests

url_file = open('myfile.txt','r')
for url in url_file.readlines():
  a = Article(url, language='pt')
  html = requests.get(url).text
  text = fulltext(html)
  download = a.download()
  parse = a.parse()
  nlp = a.nlp()
  title = a.title
  publish_date = a.publish_date
  authors = a.authors
  keywords = a.keywords
  summary = a.summary
于 2019-01-06T18:25:16.670 回答