LibTom 是一个伟大的综合库,用于 C/C++ 中的加密和数学运算。



我花了一些时间弄清楚如何使用这个库执行 AES 加密和解密,并认为我会在这里分享我的解决方案:


1 回答 1


AES 加密

int key_len = 32; // 256-bit key
int iv_len = 16;
unsigned long taglen;
unsigned char tag[16];

int enc_len;
unsigned char *enc_text;


enc_len = pt_len + 16; // Plain text + Tag length

enc_text = (unsigned char*)calloc(enc_len + 1, 1);

// For GCM there is no need to use the "adata" parameters, pass in NULL
int err = gcm_memory(find_cipher("aes"), (const unsigned char*) in_key, key_len, (const unsigned char*) in_iv, iv_len, NULL, NULL, plain_text, pt_len, enc_text, tag, &taglen, GCM_ENCRYPT);

// This is what took a while to figure out: the tag has to be manually appended to the encrypted text string
memcpy(enc_text + pt_len, tag, taglen);

AES 解密

int key_len = 32; // 256-bit key
int iv_len = 16;
unsigned long taglen;
unsigned char tag[16];

int pt_len;
unsigned char *plain_text;


plain_text = (unsigned char*)calloc(enc_len, 1);

// For GCM there is no need to use the "adata" parameters, pass in NULL
err = gcm_memory(find_cipher("aes"), (const unsigned char*) in_key, key_len, (const unsigned char*) in_iv, iv_len, NULL, NULL, plain_text, enc_text_len, enc_text, tag, &taglen, GCM_DECRYPT);

pt_len = enc_text_len - 16; // Subtract taglen
于 2019-01-04T23:05:28.117 回答