一个月前,我使用 kubeadm 部署了一个 v1.13.0 的 kubernetes 集群,其中有一个主节点和三个工作节点。一切都很好。
但是当我要向这个集群注册一个新的工作人员时。kube-proxy deamonset 容器启动时出现以下错误日志:
W0103 09:41:57.631256 1 proxier.go:477] Failed to load kernel module ip_vs with modprobe. You can ignore this message when kube-proxy is running inside container without mounting /lib/modules
W0103 09:41:57.631256 1 proxier.go:477] Failed to load kernel module ip_vs with modprobe. You can ignore this message when kube-proxy is running inside container without mounting /lib/modules
W0103 09:41:57.631983 1 proxier.go:477] Failed to load kernel module ip_vs_rr with modprobe. You can ignore this message when kube-proxy is running inside container without mounting /lib/modules
W0103 09:41:57.632666 1 proxier.go:477] Failed to load kernel module ip_vs_wrr with modprobe. You can ignore this message when kube-proxy is running inside container without mounting /lib/modules
W0103 09:41:57.633330 1 proxier.go:477] Failed to load kernel module ip_vs_sh with modprobe. You can ignore this message when kube-proxy is running inside container without mounting /lib/modules
W0103 09:41:57.638341 1 server_others.go:295] Flag proxy-mode="" unknown, assuming iptables proxy
W0103 09:41:57.802455 1 node.go:108] Failed to retrieve node IP: host IP unknown; known addresses: []
I0103 09:41:57.802480 1 server_others.go:148] Using iptables Proxier.
W0103 09:41:57.802597 1 proxier.go:314] invalid nodeIP, initializing kube-proxy with as nodeIP
由于 kube-proxy 在容器内,所以主要问题是:
W0103 09:41:57.802455 1 node.go:108] Failed to retrieve node IP: host IP unknown; known addresses: []