I'm new to the forums so apologies if this has been answered before but I've done a search and can't find anything on this topic...

I'm not able to Receive data/ack from RAK831 gateway to lora end-node

note: I'm able to receive data/packets from lora end-node to Gateway

my configuration is

A RAK831 433MHz version

I follow the instruction of https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/labs/story/rak831-lora-gateway-from-package-to-online to make raspberry-pi3 based lora gateway

I just modify the global_config.json file according to Rak support recommendation and with my 433 frequency plan, config file given in below link.


For the end-node I’m using a custom board with RFM98W 433mhz LoRa and Arduino Mini Pro. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1pcs-Lora-Radio-Node-V1-0-SX1278-Rola-433Mhz-Radio-Module-ATmega328P-RFM98-Wireless-DIY-Kit/32859077350.html

For this testing I use basic tests programs comes with lora gateway library util_pkt_logger program for record all the packets received in a log file and util_tx_test program to send test packets with a LoRa concentrator


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