我不明白结构和类相等检查之间的区别。由于 Struct 和 Class 都从 Kernel 获取它们的#hash,但它们的行为似乎不同。

我知道 instance.hash 将为每个类实例产生不同的结果。与类实例 [Foo, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] 相比,Struct 实例具有不同的祖先 [Customer, Struct, Enumerable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]。是什么真正导致每个 Class 实例具有不同的哈希数

Customer = Struct.new(:name, :phone, :address) do


class Foo
  def initialize(the_name, phone, address)
    @name = the_name
    @phone = phone
    @address = address

str_a = Customer.new('bond', 'ring', 'address')
str_b = Customer.new('bond', 'ring', 'address')

foo_a = Foo.new('bond', 'ring', 'address')
foo_b = Foo.new('bond', 'ring', 'address')

p str_a == str_b #true
p foo_a == foo_b #false

p str_a.hash # 4473040617195177332
p str_b.hash # 4473040617195177332
p foo_a.hash # -3118151143418428190
p foo_b.hash # -1042397847400824657

p str_a.method(:hash).owner #Kernel
p foo_a.method(:hash).owner #Kernel

Struct 和 Class 都使用 Kernel 来生成 hash_number。为什么 Class 的不同实例会产生不同的 hash int 而 Struct 实例会产生相同的 hash int?


1 回答 1


我相信您正在寻找的答案可以在Struct 文档中找到

Equality—Returns true if other has the same struct subclass 
and has equal member values (according to Object#==).

str_a您的示例对于and具有相同的成员值str_b,并且它们具有相同的子类 ( Customer),因此与==

将此与Object 文档进行对比

Equality — At the Object level, == returns true only if 
obj and other are the same object. Typically, this method is
overridden in descendant classes to provide class-specific meaning.


如果您正在寻找为什么这些不同,我并没有真正回答这个问题。只是行为符合文档的预期。他们实际上没有相同的 ID:

pry >> Bar = Struct.new(:name) do; end
=> Bar < Struct
pry >> x = Bar.new
=> #<Struct:Bar:0x7f8ebca47610
        name = nil

pry >> y = Bar.new
=> #<Struct:Bar:0x7f8ebca14058
        name = nil

pry >> x.name = "foo"
=> "foo"
pry >> y.name = "foo"
=> "foo"
pry >> x
=> #<Struct:Bar:0x7f8ebca47610
        name = "foo"

pry >> y
=> #<Struct:Bar:0x7f8ebca14058
        name = "foo"

但是,您会注意到比较是基于属性,而不是对象 ID:

pry >> x == y
=> true

即使对象 ID 不同:

pry >> x.__id__
=> 70125513489160
pry >> y.__id__
=> 70125513383980
于 2018-12-31T23:33:58.327 回答