Since this is not really showing how to convert YYYY:DDD:HH:MM:SS time to unix seconds using the "z" option you have to create you own functions to convert the DOY to month and day of month. This is what I did:
function _IsLeapYear ($Year)
$LeapYear = 0;
# Leap years are divisible by 4, but not by 100, unless by 400
if ( ( $Year % 4 == 0 ) || ( $Year % 100 == 0 ) || ( $Year % 400 == 0 ) ) {
$LeapYear = 1;
return $LeapYear;
function _DaysInMonth ($Year, $Month)
$DaysInMonth = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
return ((_IsLeapYear($Year) && $Month == 2) ? 29 : $DaysInMonth[$Month - 1]);
function yydddhhssmmToTime($Year, $DOY, $Hour, $Min, $Sec)
$Day = $DOY;
for ($Month = 1; $Day > _DaysInMonth($Year, $Month); $Month++) {
$Day -= _DaysInMonth($Year, $Month);
$DayOfMonth = $Day;
return mktime($Hour, $Min, $Sec, $Month, $DayOfMonth, $Year);
$timeSec = yydddhhssmmToTime(2016, 365, 23, 23, 23);
$str = date("m/d/Y H:i:s", $timeSec);
echo "unix seconds: " . $timeis . " " . $str ."<br>";
The output on the page shows its working since I can convert back the seconds back to the original input values.
unix seconds: 1483140203 12/30/2016 23:23:23