这个问题是这个问题的延伸,侧重于 LSTM 而不是 CRF。不幸的是,我对 CRF 没有任何经验,这就是我问这些问题的原因。


我想预测多个非独立组的二进制信号序列。我的数据集比较小(每组约 1000 条记录),所以我想在这里尝试一个 CRF 模型。



  1. 时间戳
  2. 团体
  3. 表示活动的二进制信号

group_a_activity使用这个数据集,我想预测group_b_activity它是 0 还是 1。

请注意,这些组被认为是互相关的,并且可以从时间戳中提取额外的特征——为简单起见,我们可以假设我们从时间戳中提取的只有 1 个特征。



# libraries
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data_length = 18  # how long our data series will be
shift_length = 3  # how long of a sequence do we want

df = (pd.DataFrame  # create a sample dataframe
    .from_records(np.random.randint(2, size=[data_length, 3]))
    .rename(columns={0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'extra'}))
df.head()  # check it out

# shift (assuming data is sorted already)
colrange = df.columns
shift_range = [_ for _ in range(-shift_length, shift_length+1) if _ != 0]
for c in colrange:
    for s in shift_range:
        if not (c == 'extra' and s > 0):
            charge = 'next' if s > 0 else 'last'  # 'next' variables is what we want to predict
            formatted_s = '{0:02d}'.format(abs(s))
            new_var = '{var}_{charge}_{n}'.format(var=c, charge=charge, n=formatted_s)
            df[new_var] = df[c].shift(s)

# drop unnecessary variables and trim missings generated by the shift operation
df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
df.drop(colrange, axis=1, inplace=True)
df = df.astype(int)
df.head()  # check it out

#   a_last_03  a_last_02      ...        extra_last_02  extra_last_01
# 3          0          1      ...                    0              1
# 4          1          0      ...                    0              0
# 5          0          1      ...                    1              0
# 6          0          0      ...                    0              1
# 7          0          0      ...                    1              0
[5 rows x 15 columns]

在我们进入 CRF 部分之前,我怀疑我不能从多任务学习的角度来解决这个问题(通过一个模型预测 A 和 B 的模式),因此我将不得不预测每一个他们分别。

现在是 CRF 部分。我找到了一些相关的例子(这里是一个),但它们都倾向于根据先验序列预测单个类值。

这是我在这里使用 CRF 的尝试:

import pycrfsuite

crf_features = []  # a container for features
crf_labels = []  # a container for response
# lets focus on group A only for this one
current_response = [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('a_next')]
# predictors are going to have to be nested otherwise I'll run into problems with dimensions
current_predictors = [c for c in df.columns if not 'next' in c]
current_predictors = set([re.sub('_\d+$','',v) for v in current_predictors])
for index, row in df.iterrows():
    # not sure if its an effective way to iterate over a DF...
    iter_features = []
    for p in current_predictors:
        pred_feature = []
        # note that 0/1 values have to be converted into booleans
        for k in range(shift_length):
            iter_pred_feature = p + '_{0:02d}'.format(k+1)
            pred_feature.append(p + "=" + str(bool(row[iter_pred_feature])))
    iter_response = [row[current_response].apply(lambda z: str(bool(z))).tolist()]

trainer = pycrfsuite.Trainer(verbose=True)
for xseq, yseq in zip(crf_features, crf_labels):
    trainer.append(xseq, yseq)

    'c1': 0.0,   # coefficient for L1 penalty
    'c2': 0.0,  # coefficient for L2 penalty
    'max_iterations': 10,  # stop earlier
    # include transitions that are possible, but not observed
    'feature.possible_transitions': True

tagger = pycrfsuite.Tagger()
# ['False', 'True', 'False']


from keras import Sequential
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
from keras_contrib.losses import crf_loss

# we are gonna have to revisit data prep stage again
# separate predictors and response
response_df_dict = {}
for g in ['a','b']:
    response_df_dict[g] = df[[c for c in df.columns if 'next' in c and g in c]]

# reformat for LSTM
# the response for every row is a matrix with depth of 2 (the number of groups) and width = shift_length
# the predictors are of the same dimensions except the depth is not 2 but the number of predictors that we have

response_array_list = []
col_prefix = set([re.sub('_\d+$','',c) for c in df.columns if 'next' not in c])
for c in col_prefix:
    current_array = df[[z for z in df.columns if z.startswith(c)]].values

# reshape into samples (1), time stamps (2) and channels/variables (0)
response_array = np.array([response_df_dict['a'].values,response_df_dict['b'].values])
response_array = np.reshape(response_array, (response_array.shape[1], response_array.shape[2], response_array.shape[0]))
predictor_array = np.array(response_array_list)
predictor_array = np.reshape(predictor_array, (predictor_array.shape[1], predictor_array.shape[2], predictor_array.shape[0]))

model = Sequential()
model.add(CRF(2, input_shape=(predictor_array.shape[1],predictor_array.shape[2])))
model.compile(loss=crf_loss, optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
model.fit(predictor_array, response_array, epochs=10, batch_size=1)
model_preds = model.predict(predictor_array)  # not gonna worry about train/test split here


我的主要问题是我是否正确构建了两个 CRF 模型。让我担心的是(1)没有很多关于 CRF 模型的文档,(2)CRF 主要用于预测给定序列的单个标签,(3)输入特征是嵌套的,(4)当以多任务方式使用,我不确定它是否有效。


  1. CRF 适合这个问题吗?
  2. 这两种方法(一种基于pycrfuite,一种基于keras_contrib)有何不同,它们的优点/缺点是什么?
  3. 从更一般的意义上说,将 CRF 和 LSTM 模型合二为一有什么好处(就像这里讨论的那样)



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