我将如何编写一个程序,以汇编语言显示斐波那契数列中的前 24 个值?
for loop counter = 1 to 24 do
next_number = fibonacci(previous, previous2)
previous2 = previous
previous = next_number
mov eax, 0 ; first number
mov ebx, 1 ; second number
; edx will contain the third number (eax + ebx )
mov ecx, 24 - 2 ; print 24 numbers (don't count the first
and second because they are printed in the begining)
mov edx, eax
call print_number ; print the first number
mov edx, ebx
call print_number ; print the second number
mov edx, eax
add edx, ebx ; edx = eax + ebx
call print_number
; now we have the third number in edx
; eax = 1st, ebx = 2nd, edx = 3rd
; to prepare eax and abx for the next iteration, shift the values to the right
; eax = 2nd, ebx = 3rd, edx = ?
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, edx
loop fibo
; TO DO: exit program
; TO DO: edx contains the number, print it
斐波那契数列中的数字是它前面的两个数字的总和。为了简单起见,您可以将这些数字存储在一个数组中,前两个元素设置为 1。esi 和 edi 可以指向 n-1 和 n-2,所以 fibonacci(n) = [esi] + [edi]] 对? 在伪代码中它看起来像:
fibonacci DWORD 24 dup (?)
esi = fibonacci(0) // those are pointers to elements!
edi = fibonacci(1)
for x = 2 to 23
fibonacci(x) = [esi] + [edi]
esi += 4 // if you don't like DWORDs change this
edi += 4
end loop
您可以将 x 保存在 ecx 寄存器中,将 fibonacci(x) 保存在 eax 寄存器中。
试试这个代码,它会根据你的要求工作这个答案使用一个循环运行 24 次,然后循环的标签是下一个,它首先从 ax 和 bx 获取数据,然后将其相加这些所有函数重复 24 次直到循环完成。
data segment
org 0000h
arr dw 17h dup(0000h)
data ends
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:data
start: mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov cx,0018h
lea si,arr
inc si
mov [si],01h
next: mov ax,[si-1]
mov bx,[si]
add ax,bx
inc si
mov [si],ax
loop next
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
code ends
end start