我在 snoopy 模块上遇到错误。当我在我的客户端上运行它时,我收到了这个错误:

“错误:无法从远程服务器检索目录:服务器上的错误 400:
Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource 失败并出现错误 ArgumentError:找不到声明的类 snoopy::install at /etc/puppet/modules/snoopy/ manifests/init.pp:22 on node <hostname>

有什么想法我在这里做错了吗?这是来自 git 的 snoopy 模块,对我们的环境进行了一些修改。 https://forge.puppet.com/revolutionsystem/snoopy

    $ cat install.pp
    # snoopy::install
    # A description of what this class does
    # @summary A short summary of the purpose of this class
    # @example
    #   include snoopy::install
    class snoopy::install {
      # Download snoopy installation script
      file { '/tmp/snoopy':
        ensure => directory,
        owner  => 'root',
        group  => 'root',
        mode   => '0755',
      } ->
      exec { 'wget installer':
        command => "/usr/bin/wget    install.sh",
        creates => "/tmp/snoopy/snoopy-install.sh",
        require => [ File['/tmp/snoopy'], ];
      } ->
      # Install Snoopy stable version
      exec { '/tmp/snoopy/snoopy-install.sh stable':
        cwd     => '/tmp/snoopy',
        command => '',
        path    => [ '/bin/bash' ],
        unless  => [ 'test -f /tmp/snoopy/snoopy-install.sh']
        require => [ File['/tmp/snoopy'], File['/tmp/snoopy/snoopy-    install.sh'], ];

    $ cat init.pp
    # snoopy
    # A description of what this class does
    # @summary A short summary of the purpose of this class
    # @example
    #   include snoopy
    class snoopy (
      $user_name         = $::snoopy::params::username,
      $user_id           = $::snoopy::params::userid,
      $group_id          = $::snoopy::params::groupid,
      $super_id          = $::snoopy::params::superid,
      $terminal          = $::snoopy::params::terminal,
      $current_directory = $::snoopy::params::currentdirectory,
      $process_id        = $::snoopy::params::processid,
      $file_name         = $::snoopy::params::filename,
      $log_file          = $::snoopy::params::logfile,
      $log_path          = $::snoopy::params::logpath,
      $date_time         = $::snoopy::params::datetime
    ) inherits snoopy::params {
      class { 'snoopy::install': }
      class { 'snoopy::configure':
        username         => $user_name,
        userid           => $user_id,
        groupid          => $group_id,
        superid          => $super_id,
        terminal         => $terminal,
        currentdirectory => $current_directory,
        processid        => $process_id,
        filename         => $file_name,
        logfile          => $log_file,
        logpath          => $log_path,
        datetime         => $date_time

这个可以关闭,和我们运行的puppet agent的版本有关。模块所需版本 >= 4.0.0 和 <= 6.0.0。
我们正在运行 3.8.x。


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