When user is selecting a wrong CANoe cfg file for a particular variant, user should be notified of the wrong cfg file. The correctness of the cfg file should be validated against the content( for example: based on the dbc files loaded into each configuration)

Please find the below code for the current implementation: I need to do a check based on the content probably dbc( the resp. messages and signals within the cfg) and user has to be notified on the Frontend if wrong cfg is selected. Currently I have mentioned the respective configurations but I haven't done any content check for the configurations.

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)                      
//Function to run/start CANoe measurement
    // Execute CANoe(Obtain CANoe application objectg)
    var mApp = new CANoe.Application();
    var mMsr = (CANoe.Measurement)mApp.Measurement;
        if (tcu == '1')
            CANoe = new cCANoe1();
        else if (tcu == '2')
            CANoe = new cCANoe2();
        log.WritetoFile("Opening CANoe configuration");
        Console.WriteLine("Opening CANoe configuration");
        //  mApp.Open("C:\\Users\\uidr3024\\Downloads\\SRLCam4T0_Validation_ControlTool\\cfg\\SVT_SRLCam4T0_025B.cfg", true, true);
        mApp.Open("C:\\MMC_Project\\Dheepika KT\\2013_42_Multibus - Simultaneous\\BR205_Multibus_2013_42_CANoe76.CFG", true, true);
        log.WritetoFile("Starting measurement ");
    catch (System.Exception ex)
        log.WritetoFile("Exception:" + ex.Message);
        MessageBox.Show("CANoe application error", "Error");

    if (textBox1.Text != String.Empty && System.IO.File.Exists(textBox1.Text))
        // The textbox has a filename in it, use it
        mApp.Open(textBox1.Text, true, true); 
        // The user hasn't selected a config file, launch with default
        mApp.Open("C:\\MMC_Project\\Dheepika KT\\2013_42_Multibus - Simultaneous\\BR205_Multibus_2013_42_CANoe76.CFG", true, true);

Content validation in the cfg should be done and the user should be notified if wrong cfg is selected.


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