在我的summarytools包中,我已经成功定义了该print.by方法。但是,即使我对 执行了完全相同的步骤print.list,调度也会失败。


grep("print(\\.summarytools$|\\.by$|\\.list$)", methods("print"), value = TRUE)
[1] "print.by"           "print.list"         "print.summarytools"




devtools::install_github("dcomtois/summarytools", ref = "dev-current")
list_obj <- lapply(tobacco[,c(1,3)], freq))

## $gender
## For best results printing list objects with summarytools, use view(x, method = 'pander')
## Frequencies   
## tobacco$gender     
## Type: Factor   
##               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##           F    489     50.00          50.00     48.90          48.90
##           M    489     50.00         100.00     48.90          97.80
##        <NA>     22                               2.20         100.00
##       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00
## $age.gr
## Frequencies   
## tobacco$age.gr     
## Type: Factor   
##               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##       18-34    258     26.46          26.46     25.80          25.80
##       35-50    241     24.72          51.18     24.10          49.90
##       51-70    317     32.51          83.69     31.70          81.60
##        71 +    159     16.31         100.00     15.90          97.50
##        <NA>     25                               2.50         100.00
##       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00



## Frequencies   
## tobacco$gender     
## Type: Factor   
##               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##           F    489     50.00          50.00     48.90          48.90
##           M    489     50.00         100.00     48.90          97.80
##        <NA>     22                               2.20         100.00
##       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00
## tobacco$age.gr    
## Type: Factor   
##               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##       18-34    258     26.46          26.46     25.80          25.80
##       35-50    241     24.72          51.18     24.10          49.90
##       51-70    317     32.51          83.69     31.70          81.60
##        71 +    159     16.31         100.00     15.90          97.50
##        <NA>     25                               2.50         100.00
##       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00

以下是 的内容print.list.R

#' Print Method for Objects of Class \dQuote{list}.
#' Displays a list comprised of summarytools objects created with \code{lapply}. 
#' @usage
#'  \method{print}{list}(x, method = "pander", file = "", 
#'   append = FALSE, report.title = NA, table.classes = NA, 
#'   bootstrap.css = st_options('bootstrap.css'), 
#'   custom.css = st_options('custom.css'), silent = FALSE, 
#'   footnote = st_options('footnote'), 
#'   escape.pipe = st_options('escape.pipe'), \dots)
#' @inheritParams print.summarytools
#' @method print list
#' @export
print.list <- function(x, method = "pander", file = "", append = FALSE, 
                       report.title = NA, table.classes = NA, 
                       bootstrap.css = st_options('bootstrap.css'), 
                       custom.css = st_options('custom.css'),
                       silent = FALSE, footnote = st_options('footnote'), 
                       escape.pipe = st_options('escape.pipe'), ...) {
  if (inherits(x[[1]], "summarytools")) {
    view(x, method = method, file = file, append = append, 
         report.title = report.title, table.classes = table.classes, 
         bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css, custom.css = custom.css,
         silent = silent, footnote = footnote, escape.pipe = escape.pipe,
  } else {
    base::print.default(x, ...)





  • 按照这里的建议,重新定义print.default而不是定义,但它仍然不起作用。print.list
  • 在函数定义()之后添加对 setMethod 的调用setMethod(f = "print", signature = "list", definition = print.list);仍然没有好的结果(我不太确定我得到了“签名”参数应该是什么。我发现关于它的文档相当混乱)。

我开始认为我可能需要对 Roxygen 进行一些改动才能使其正常工作……但是什么改动,我不知道。



1 回答 1


正如源代码(可在此处获得)中的注释中解释(有点神秘)以及在引用它们的此 Stack Overflow 答案中(更明确地)说明的那样,“自动打印”(例如,与 一起发生(list_obj <- lapply(tobacco[,c(1,3)], freq)))只能在显式调度类,因此不适用于列表。不过,它适用于任何打印调用:

devtools::install_github("dcomtois/summarytools", ref = "dev-current", quiet = TRUE)
# For best results, consider updating pander to its most recent version. You can do so
# by using devtools::install_github('rapporter/pander')
list_obj <- lapply(tobacco[,c(1,3)], freq)
list_obj # will not work since it uses auto-printing
# $gender
# For best results printing list objects with summarytools, use view(x, method =
# 'pander')
# Frequencies   
# tobacco$gender     
# Type: Factor   
#               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
#           F    489     50.00          50.00     48.90          48.90
#           M    489     50.00         100.00     48.90          97.80
#        <NA>     22                               2.20         100.00
#       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00
# $age.gr
# Frequencies   
# tobacco$age.gr     
# Type: Factor   
#               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
#       18-34    258     26.46          26.46     25.80          25.80
#       35-50    241     24.72          51.18     24.10          49.90
#       51-70    317     32.51          83.69     31.70          81.60
#        71 +    159     16.31         100.00     15.90          97.50
#        <NA>     25                               2.50         100.00
#       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00
print(list_obj) # will work
# Frequencies   
# tobacco$gender     
# Type: Factor   
#               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
#           F    489     50.00          50.00     48.90          48.90
#           M    489     50.00         100.00     48.90          97.80
#        <NA>     22                               2.20         100.00
#       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00
# tobacco$age.gr    
# Type: Factor   
#               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
# ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
#       18-34    258     26.46          26.46     25.80          25.80
#       35-50    241     24.72          51.18     24.10          49.90
#       51-70    317     32.51          83.69     31.70          81.60
#        71 +    159     16.31         100.00     15.90          97.50
#        <NA>     25                               2.50         100.00
#       Total   1000    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00
于 2018-12-31T02:19:24.700 回答