使用 Saxon-B,我正在尝试遵循 javadoc 并连续重用 XsltTransformer 对象。
XTDE1490: Cannot write more than one result document to the same URI, or write to a URI
that has been read: file:/Users/benson/x/btweb/web_2_0/sites/us/errors/404/404.xml.prepared
2011-03-22 11:06:23,830 [main] ERROR btweb.compiler.CompileSite - Site compilation terminated with error.
btweb.compiler.CompilerException: Error running transform Cannot write more than one result document to the same URI, or write to a URI that has been read: file:/Users/benson/x/btweb/web_2_0/sites/us/errors/404/404.xml.prepared