问题是为什么下面的代码不能与类型推断一起工作(下面是一个 REPL 会话来演示),它可以修复吗?更具体地说,这与编译器用来推断返回类型的 CanBuildFrom 的使用有何不同?
object S {
import java.net._
trait UrlLike[T] {
def url(s: String): T
object UrlLike {
implicit object str extends UrlLike[String]{def url(s: String) = s}
implicit object url extends UrlLike[URL]{def url(s: String) = new URL(s)}
implicit object uri extends UrlLike[URI]{def url(s: String) = new URI(s)}
trait UrlSupport {
val _url: String
def url[T : UrlLike]: T = implicitly[UrlLike[T]].url(_url)
我在 REPL (2.8.1) 中有这个会话:
scala> :load c:\temp\UrlTest.scala
Loading c:\temp\UrlTest.scala...
defined module S
scala> import java.net._
import java.net._
scala> import S._
import S._
scala> new UrlSupport{val _url = "http://example.com"}
res0: java.lang.Object with S.UrlSupport = $anon$1@155bd22
scala> res0.url : String
<console>:14: error: ambiguous implicit values:
both object uri in object UrlLike of type object S.UrlLike.uri
and object url in object UrlLike of type object S.UrlLike.url
match expected type S.UrlLike[T]
res0.url : String
scala> res0.url : URL
<console>:14: error: ambiguous implicit values:
both object uri in object UrlLike of type object S.UrlLike.uri
and object url in object UrlLike of type object S.UrlLike.url
match expected type S.UrlLike[T]
res0.url : URL
scala> res0.url[String]
res3: String = http://example.com
scala> res0.url[URL]
res4: java.net.URL = http://example.com