
它的背景是我的深色浏览器主题(我讨厌亮白色),其中黑色文本(例如 Wikipedia-math-formulas)不可读。

更多信息:上述公式是 svg 文件,但是当我从https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Displaying_a_formula#Color正确理解时,您可以相应地将它们更改为白色。

我只是不知道足够的 html 和 css 来使我的浏览器中的这些更改既不是临时的也不是永久的,显然后者更可取。因此,如果您知道足够的 html 和 css,请问您是否可以帮助我解决这个问题:-)。




1 回答 1


Wiki uses LateX to write documents that include complex math expressions or non-Latin scripts, such as Arabic, Sanskrit and Chinese.

You can edit your source code from here:

  1. Log in your Wiki account.
  2. Go to the page which you want to change.
  3. Go to View Edit source tab.
  4. Using ctrl+F, type the text which you are searching for or may be add test content in the end of your page. Do the required change.
  5. Click on Show preview. After checking the preview, you can publish your changes. enter image description here

enter image description here

Try this, you were not adding <math> tag :


enter image description here

于 2018-12-24T09:14:55.470 回答