1) Convert the encryption password to a byte array.
2) Convert the value to be encrypted to a byte array.
3) The entire length of the array is inserted as the first four bytes onto the front
of the first block of the resultant byte array before encryption.
4) Encrypt the value using AES with:
1. 256-bit key size,
2. 256-bit block size,
3. Encryption Mode ECB, and
4. an EMPTY initialization vector.
5) After encryption, you should now have a byte array that holds the encrypted value.
6) Convert each byte to a HEX format and string all the HEX values together.
7) The final result is a string of HEX values. This is the final encrypted value to be passed.
The length of the final value will always be an even number.
Given the following input values:
plainText: 2017/02/07 22:46
secretKey: ABCD1234FGHI5678
The following string will be produced:
plain_text = "2017/02/07 22:46"
secret_key = "ABCD1234FGHI5678"
plain_text_byte_array = plain_text.bytes
plain_text_byte_array.unshift(0).unshift(0).unshift(0).unshift(16) # I found a Java example in their documentation and this is what they do. They prepend their byte array with 16, 0, 0, 0
secret_byte_array = secret_key.bytes
secret_byte_array = secret_byte_array.concat([0, 0, 0,...]) # also from their java example, they append the secret_byte array with 16 0's in order to get its length to 32
cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES256.new(:ECB)
cipher.key = secret_byte_array.pack("C*")
encrypted = cipher.update(plain_text_byte_array.pack("C*")) + cipher.final
p encrypted.unpack("H*").first.to_s.upcase
# Result is:
# "84A0E5DCA7D704C41332F86E707DDAC244A1A87C38A906145DE4060D2BC5C8F4"