在 Azure DevOps 上创建新管道以设置 .NET 项目的 CI 时,我设置了以下 PowerShell 脚本来自动化 .NET Core 设置。
# $LocalDotnet is the path to the locally-installed SDK to ensure the
# correct version of the tools are executed.
# $InstallDir and $CliVersion variables can come from options to the
# script.
$InstallDir = "./cli-tools"
$CliVersion = "1.0.1"
# Test the path provided by $InstallDir to confirm it exists. If it
# does, it's removed. This is not strictly required, but it's a
# good way to reset the environment.
if (Test-Path $InstallDir)
rm -Recurse $InstallDir
New-Item -Type "directory" -Path $InstallDir
Write-Host "Downloading the CLI installer..."
# Use the Invoke-WebRequest PowerShell cmdlet to obtain the
# installation script and save it into the installation directory.
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri "https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.ps1" `
-OutFile "$InstallDir/dotnet-install.ps1"
Write-Host "Installing the CLI requested version ($CliVersion) ..."
# Install the SDK of the version specified in $CliVersion into the
# specified location ($InstallDir).
& $InstallDir/dotnet-install.ps1 -Version $CliVersion `
-InstallDir $InstallDir
Write-Host "Downloading and installation of the SDK is complete."
# $LocalDotnet holds the path to dotnet.exe for future use by the
# script.
$LocalDotnet = "$InstallDir/dotnet"
我已经在谷歌上搜索过有同样问题的人以及如何解决它。但是我还没有找到太多信息。Azure DevOps 论坛也无济于事。