I am creating very simple text block. The block works fine when I add this for the first time. If I refresh the page and try to edit the block it show me the message "This block contains unexpected or invalid content.". I have tried to disable htmlvalidation check but that doesn't help. Also, after I click on resolve: the current block and after conversion block contain same code.


This is my index.js file code

 * Block dependencies
import icon from './icon';
import './style.css';

 * Internal block libraries
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { RichText } = wp.editor;

 * Register block
export default registerBlockType(
        title: __('Bizbike Small Description', 'jsforwpblocks'),
        description: __('Default title', 'jsforwpblocks'),
        category: 'common',
        icon: 'text',
        keywords: [
            __('Text', 'jsforwpblocks'),
            __('Call to Action', 'jsforwpblocks'),
            __('Message', 'jsforwpblocks'),
        attributes: {
            message: {
                type: 'array',
                source: 'children',
                selector: '.message-body',
        supports: {
            // html: false,
            className: false,
            customClassName: false,
            html: false,
            htmlValidation: false,
        edit: props => {
            const { attributes: { message }, className, setAttributes } = props;
            const onChangeMessage = message => { setAttributes({ message }) };
            return (
                <div id="small-text" className={className}>
                        placeholder={__('Place the title', 'jsforwpblocks')}
        save: props => {
            const { attributes: { message } } = props;
            return (
                    <div class="commute text-center">


2 回答 2


要诊断这些错误,请打开浏览器控制台(Mac 上的 Chrome 中的 ++,然后选择控制台选项卡)并查找cmdopt阻止验证”错误,它应该如下所示:i

blocks.js?ver=6.2.5:8545 块验证:块验证失败avorg/block-rss

({名称:“avorg/block-rss”,标题:“RSS 链接”,图标:{…},类别:“小部件”,属性:{…},…})。


<div class="wp-block-avorg-block-rss"><a href="http://google.com" target="_blank"><svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" class="dashicon dashicons-rss" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M14.92 18H18C18 9.32 10.82 2.25 2 2.25v3.02c7.12 0 12.92 5.71 12.92 12.73zm-5.44 0h3.08C12.56 12.27 7.82 7.6 2 7.6v3.02c2 0 3.87.77 5.29 2.16C8.7 14.17 9.48 16.03 9.48 18zm-5.35-.02c1.17 0 2.13-.93 2.13-2.09 0-1.15-.96-2.09-2.13-2.09-1.18 0-2.13.94-2.13 2.09 0 1.16.95 2.09 2.13 2.09z"></path></svg></a></div>


<div class="wp-block-avorg-block-rss"><a href="http://google.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" class="dashicon dashicons-rss" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M14.92 18H18C18 9.32 10.82 2.25 2 2.25v3.02c7.12 0 12.92 5.71 12.92 12.73zm-5.44 0h3.08C12.56 12.27 7.82 7.6 2 7.6v3.02c2 0 3.87.77 5.29 2.16C8.7 14.17 9.48 16.03 9.48 18zm-5.35-.02c1.17 0 2.13-.93 2.13-2.09 0-1.15-.96-2.09-2.13-2.09-1.18 0-2.13.94-2.13 2.09 0 1.16.95 2.09 2.13 2.09z"></path></svg></a></div>

发生错误是因为检索到的 HTML 与save函数生成的 HTML 不匹配。这可能是由于 WordPress 注入属性(rel在上面的屏幕截图中)或在使用块后块的定义发生更改时引起的。


  1. 在编辑器界面中单击Resolve以更新块实例以匹配修改后的块定义。
  2. 如果您构建了该块,您可能需要编辑该save函数,使其返回的 HTML 与最终持久保存到数据库的 HTML 相同。

在我的例子中,我必须确保我的save函数包含rel="noopener noreferrer"在生成的<a>标签中,以便 WordPress 对该属性的注入不会导致块实例的 HTML 与我的save函数生成的 HTML 不匹配。

于 2019-08-01T13:46:32.463 回答

您收到错误是因为您的编辑功能的 HTML 节点与保存功能的 HTML 节点不匹配。

编辑功能上你有 -

<div id="small-text" className={className}>

保存功能上,您有一个额外的div -

  <div class="commute text-center">
于 2018-12-20T05:20:58.503 回答