我的实例在 Linux 上运行(由 kops 部署的 kubernetes)。从计费中我看到它们被归类为“Linux/UNIX”,但我认为它是通过 kops 部署在 VPC 中的。


  • Linux/UNIX (亚马逊 VPC)
  • Linux/UNIX


顺便说一句,一旦我购买了 RI,我是否必须等到第二天才能从计费 UI 中看到预订范围?我可以看看它是否立即覆盖了我正在运行的一些实例吗?


2 回答 2


I have access to multiple aws accounts and I found something interesting.

As of today (2020-02-26), when looking at ca-central-1 region's platforms when trying to buy reserved instances, I only see Linux/UNIX, and I don't see Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC) in the list:


This list is the same in both older and recent AWS accounts.

When I look at us-east-1 region's platforms when trying to buy reserved instances, I see the same list as ca-central-1 when using the recent account **But when I use a much older aws account which used to have m1 ec2 instances (which can't be created anymore), here's what I see:

enter image description here

Note that we already reserved a plan for an m1 instance back in the days (which is now expired) so that could be related to why I see two kind platform for each of them.

Funny thing is I can only reserve Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC), not Linux/UNIX as you can see from the two screenshots:

Linux/UNIX list empty on older account:

Linux/UNIX list empty on older account

Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC) list not empty on older account:

Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC) list not empty on older account

So my assumption is if you see both, Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC) will be the one you need, otherwise, use Linux/UNIX.

Update 2020-02-27: I did purchase them, I will verify usage once it's effective, but I'm quite sure everything is fine.

Update 2020-03-06: I confirm it works as expected. I have 100% coverage in both regions starting from 2020-02-27 in the billing dashboard.

于 2020-02-26T22:21:33.030 回答

Linux/UNIX 是传统的 EC2-Classic。

“EC2-Classic 平台是在 Amazon EC2 的原始版本中引入的。”

AWS EC2-经典

使用 Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC),它将在您自己的 VPC 中生成实例。

于 2018-12-18T18:22:42.680 回答