drawKeypoints 是免费功能吗?当我尝试使用它时会引发以下错误
cv.drawKeypoints is not a function
我已经按照这里的描述构建了 OpenCV Js
然后将其附加到我的 HTML 中
<script src="opencv.js"></script>
function orbExample() {
let imgElement = document.querySelector('#imageSrc');
let img = cv.imread(imgElement);
let color = new cv.Scalar(0,255,0, 1);
// Initiate ORB detector
let orb = new cv.ORB();
let keyPoints = new cv.KeyPointVector;
// find the keypoints with ORB
orb.detect(img, keyPoints);
let des = new cv.Mat();
// compute the descriptors with ORB
orb.compute(img, keyPoints, des);
// draw only keypoints location,not size and orientation
let img2 = new cv.Mat();
cv.drawKeypoints(img, keyPoints, img2, color, 0);
cv.imshow('opencvCanvas', img2);