✱ 谓词有一个包罗万象的子句,rewrite(A, A).
在文本上是 last。有了这个包罗万象的子句,就可以提取否定范式的公式。在这个例子中,e
是一个像 Łukasiewicz 表示法一样的双条件连接词,4
是模态逻辑中的变量(因此是 Prolog 常量)。
?- rewrite(e(4, 7), Z).
Z = a(k(4, 7), k(n(4), n(7)))
但是,rewrite(<some constant>, <some constant>)
?- rewrite(e(4, 7), e(4, 7)).
我尝试用受rewrite(A, A).
wff_shallowly(WFF) :-
WFF = l(_);
WFF = m(_);
WFF = c(_, _);
WFF = f;
WFF = t;
WFF = k(_, _);
WFF = a(_, _);
WFF = n(_);
WFF = e(_, _).
rewrite(A, A) :- \+ wff_shallowly(A).
我认为当且仅当A 不是由具有特殊含义的原子/构造函数领导时,这将阻止包罗万象的条款适用。但是,在进行更改后,rewrite
?- rewrite(4, Z).
Z = 4.
?- rewrite(c(4, 7), Z).
✱ 方案全文供参考:
% so the primitive connectives are
% l <-- necessity
% m <-- possibility
% c <-- implication
% f <-- falsehood
% t <-- truth
% k <-- conjunction
% a <-- alternative
% n <-- negation
% e <-- biconditional
wff_shallowly(WFF) :-
WFF = l(_);
WFF = m(_);
WFF = c(_, _);
WFF = f;
WFF = t;
WFF = k(_, _);
WFF = a(_, _);
WFF = n(_);
WFF = e(_, _).
% falsehood is primitive
rewrite(f, f).
% truth is primitive
rewrite(t, t).
% positive connectives
rewrite(a(A, B), a(C, D)) :- rewrite(A, C), rewrite(B, D).
rewrite(k(A, B), k(C, D)) :- rewrite(A, C), rewrite(B, D).
rewrite(l(A), l(C)) :- rewrite(A, C).
rewrite(m(A), m(C)) :- rewrite(A, C).
% implication
rewrite(c(A, B), a(NC, D)) :-
rewrite(n(A), NC), rewrite(B, D).
% biconditional
rewrite(e(A, B), a(k(C, D), k(NC, ND))) :-
rewrite(A, C),
rewrite(n(A), NC),
rewrite(B, D),
rewrite(n(B), ND).
% negated falsehood is truth
rewrite(n(f), t).
% negated truth is falsehood
rewrite(n(t), f).
% double negation elimination
rewrite(n(n(A)), C) :- rewrite(A, C).
% negated alternation
rewrite(n(a(A, B)), k(NC, ND)) :-
rewrite(n(A), NC), rewrite(n(B), ND).
% negated conjunction
rewrite(n(k(A, B)), a(NC, ND)) :-
rewrite(n(A), NC), rewrite(n(B), ND).
% negated biconditional
rewrite(n(e(A, B)), a(k(C, ND), k(NC, D))) :-
rewrite(A, C),
rewrite(n(A), NC),
rewrite(B, D),
rewrite(n(B), ND).
% negated necessity
rewrite(n(l(A)), m(NC)) :- rewrite(n(A), NC).
% negated possibility
rewrite(n(m(A)), l(NC)) :- rewrite(n(A), NC).
% catch all, rewrite to self
rewrite(A, A) :- \+ wff_shallowly(A).